Forgive me for not saying so sooner, after thinking about it and a bit of luck, I sold the Mask to a Guild-mate for 10million zeny on Friday night, so, auction closed early, sorry.

Post Auction talk, because it's interesting, so meh.
Frankly, I'm surprised, 3 people interested in it bought it from other people (one in game) for less, which was surprising and unexpected to me. In my Armor Selling auction, I was of course, the ONLY one with the item..I wasn't used to selling something that others had. True, I thought it might be a bit of an issue, but at the Fairy Auction it goes to 10mil, and the person gets a Mask of the Goddess, and here there are several getting them for 7~8mil. Amazingly unexpected to be sure. They are worth 8~10mil..but only if someone else doesn't get to your bidder first! ^_^;
It is for the lack of not interest, but bidders that weren't taken away by somebody else, and my luck in finding one that paid for the high end of what it's worth. In the future, I will be sure to think about this possibility more before I put something up for auction as I want to be able to keep to what I say for my own auctions.
Also I want to say. DANG this is a bad time to auction off lower ranked stuff. xD In the past week, a lot of high priced things have been in the auction listing, gives my auction less attention. SO, yes that's it, auction closed, sorry Versus---really, ask around seems it isn't as hard as I thought to get a Mask for 7~8mil.
