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RE: League of legends
If you don't go AP Morde, you basically cripple the entire champion.
Tanks work as tanks because they are beefy, and have some sort of CC, whether it be a stun, a taunt, etc that allows you to control the battle in some way, and pull them off your squishies.
What CC does Morde have? Noneeee. So, the enemy just strolls past saying "Hi Morde, how's things?" and proceeds to kill your squishies in their faces, and they don't care about you, because you can't control them with CC, or frighten them off with damage.. because you have none, since you built tank instead of AP. =D
Morde works best as AP, and there are ways to do beefy AP.
Rylai's are awesome on him, as is a Lich Bane. Both these work well with his slow base movement speed, and provide ot only AP, but also HP and MR respectively.
Abyssal is also handy. again, AP, MR and reduces any MR they have.
Rabadons purelt for the AP.
If you need some survivability, then get a FoN or a Thornmail or some such, but don't stack tank, because you become useless, and don't stack pure HP, or else you die to a Madreds or Vayne easy as pie.
Even if you're getting super aimed, a Rylai's and Lich Bane helps a bunch.
AP Morde + Lich Bane + Mace of Spades will pretty much take of 2/3 of the health of most ranged carries and mages.
And after that, you still have 3 more skills, and pretty mucha free ranged carry ghost. =D
Shields =/= tanks, or else Lux, Morg, Janna, Karma, Rumble, Lee Sin, etc are all suddenly tanks, and ha;f of those would work better than Morde anyway, as they have some form of CC.
Most mages like Kennen need some survivability; things like RoAs help with that. Most Kennen players these days take the cheap way out of buying an Hourglass, and popping it after they ulti in.
Tanky DPS are the very reason why champs like Kog, Vayne, Madreds and CC are damn handy. =P
Joy; Inorite? =(
Between CGers, RL friends, randoms, and Canadian ROers, I have like 57468 people on my list sending invites all the time.
stop doing dickers
05-30-2011, 11:55 PM |