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Dark vs Light WoE
mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
and indeed it was a fight. Turnout wasn't bad, but those who did turn up didnt seem like particularly prepared or had a strategy.

Not saying i know everything, but had people prepared a bit more it woulda gone much better.

Although the scaling of monster difficulty did escalate a bit high, i believe it was still doable if people planned ahead.

And it's not about being elitist or w/e, but the last time we had a big RP event (~2 years ago), when we divided properly into 89+ and < 89 ppl, we actually did quite good. Today ppl just came with preset parties with redundant roles rather than plan things out, so no wonder things didnt work out for the players.

Next time if possible please give better advance notice and assign 1 or 2 "allegiance leader" just to make group leadership easier so the GMs also know who the "generals" are. Last time the GMs did that, the generals actually did quite a good job of planning things with their allegiance and made the event overall more enjoyable and became a learning experience for all.

nevertheless, thanks for hosting the event, 'twas a good sneak peek and hopefully we can do more like this in the future.

OOT reg pvp/woe:
giving away hatter cards is in no way detrimental to the server economy. If anything, it creates more transactions between those who have money and those who don't. Remember that kafra, warpers, fwings, etc sink money, and the hatter sinks a dollop of it at a time and returns from the hatter only even out after you do the quest over 1000 times (just from the % chances).
Ergo, putting more hatters into the economy only makes it more liquid.

there were 30 zombie runs this week? sure. How many BGs were there? How many BG keys were used?
To get 1 event bag you gotta be a noble. Thats 20m sunk right there. For 1 bag. 1.

sure BG sinks money, but it also gives access to practically the best exclusive high end gears that cannot be gotten anywhere else.

There are ruiners in BG? same with zombie events (lurers), taming events (killers), and other types of mischief that can be done in most other instances.

if you like PVP, there are more than enough pvp rooms and hourly BG instances to satisfy your thirst. The fact that other people do not share your sentiment is out of the GM's responsibility. Hell, if you believe in free will it's probably out of god's realm too.

You say the older woe players left because of no hope. I say they left because they got bored. They got bored because they reached the top and nobody gave enough of a fight to challenge them to keep their interest. Is that the GM's fault? I certainly think not. The WOE here gives way more returns in term of material gains than most other servers out there. It just so happens most PVP-minded RO players nowadays only want to play for short amounts of time for that adrenaline rush which means they play in SHRs rather than LRs.

If the GMs are to blame for anything in regards to not making woe more inviting for more people, I can only accuse them of not allowing more easterly players a fighting chance to join the woe scene. My accusation is merely based on the fact that there seems to be a substantial number of eastern players in the server. Whether they will or will not woe if a more hospitable timing opens up is up for discussion, but i can only say "nothing ventured nothing gained".

Personally if i were a woe-going person i would revel at this chance to farm god item materials. For whether "efficient god item mats farming" equals to "interesting woe" i think the answer is NO. But then that's just the woe-going players' fault for not splitting up into more guilds to make things more exciting rather than clump up and get easy wins to get easy god item parts.

@what marco said
i believe "novice events" include taming and zombie.
I postulate that even with all those events included and counted, you'd still end up with more BG instances than non-pvp events.

plus basically what ellie said regarding the last RP event being over 2 years ago and about catering to the majority. darn wench keeps becoming more agreeable as time passes... i suspect foul play is afoot! Laugh

09-09-2012, 07:04 AM
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cane 33 Offline

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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
If u don't count Fabre Tame and Zombie Run which RP event, don't count BG which PvP event then asd
The last PvP event that I saw was PvP for items on Alex's Birthday event: when we speak of PvP event, we speak of this event.

And btw become noble for get a Event Bag is false: u get so many event bag in this months...

Speaking of event: is a tie, can't speak of light winner.
Yeah we got more fast than dark, but we was the triple, but the dark already know what mosnters was on, because people do both light party and dark party.
Light has a lot of people, but imo the best of server is dark
[Image: 2uikp3q.jpg]

Ren is the best
09-09-2012, 07:40 AM
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Ellie Offline

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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
Except people ACTUALLY FIGHT other people in BGs. Hence, PVP. Yaknow, player vs player. It may not be ideal to your liking, but it fits the damn name.

Zombie Run and Fabre are NOT RP, storyline driven events. In any way. Not. even. close.

It's is pure ridiculousness to say "Well, when we speak of PVP, we only speak of this one PVP event!"
Even then, that PVP for items was NOT THREE YEARS AGO LIKE THE LAST RP ONE WAS.
I'm going to do you the kindness of assuming that your sheer ignorance comes down to not actually being around the server when the last RP events happened.

You DO have to be noble to get event bags, unless they're given out as an event prize. Which is NOT to everyone. It's likely a single person. Hell, I know when I saw them, there was wayyy more BG keys given away in a single event than ALL the event bags over ALL the events.

Stop throwing a god damn tantrum, and go clean your room.
stop doing dickers
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2012, 08:35 AM by Ellie.)
09-09-2012, 08:30 AM
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cane 33 Offline

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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
Answer only this question: u do or done BG regularity?
[Image: 2uikp3q.jpg]

Ren is the best
09-09-2012, 09:21 AM
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ChaosPrince Offline
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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
Each side has some good points, but opening more castles for noobs to gain some fat loots without a real fight won't help the situation.

Instead of the "I think" or "I believe", use some facts to support your arguments! Pandora CLEARLY stated: "you choose to join a server depending on it's WoE time, the Server will not change it's time to accomodate players!" This is 100% logical.

Back on topic: Light had 40+ vs Dark (under 24). Do the math... if they did 2 times less the time, they'd win hands down. But they didn't! And yes, the best players are on the Dark, thank you.
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2012, 12:02 PM by ChaosPrince.)
09-09-2012, 12:01 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
Ellie Wrote:Dani, where are you and your sexy male characters?

I could RP, and actually planned to come till I saw this:

GM-Chaucer Wrote:The first try of this will be today at 11:00 pm server time.

Then I noticed I missed it. I'll try to bring out one of my sexy male characters next time for you Ina. Oh, let's have some in character stuff from Aaron right now.

*Clears throat* I...missed a good fight to impress the ladies with my magical skills. Do not worry, I'll make sure next time to not be distracted by my research for my next new machine.

Ladies, you are always welcome to stop by my home, which now resides these days in Veins.

OOC: Seriously, if you want to RP, male or female character, you can PM me, try to set up something with me. I don't really mind coming on if I have something to do. XD
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

09-09-2012, 04:55 PM
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Menace651 Offline
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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
I had fun at the event...up until we all got owned badly in pre-emp room Icon_sad
HeRo needs more organized RP events like this (not just the lame monster invasion events either).
09-09-2012, 05:27 PM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
but I DO count zombie runs and taming events as NON-PVP.
the amount of BG instances would still outstrip the amount of non-PVP events.

again, event bags arent handed out freely. Mostly to nobles, some at events. But bottomline is: still more BG keys out there and it's easier to farm BG keys sustainably and rather cheaply compared to farming event bags (if even possible/feasible)

personally i joined hero because it had such balanced customs as well as a commendable donation system. Having an agreeable woe time woulda been much better, but it's my loss and i could live with it.
i read what Panda said the first time, and i do understand her point of view. The only reason i keep pointing woe time change out is because i do believe it is one of the major changes that has not been tried out although it could have a big impact - we've gone through castle number changes, rewards, etc, and ppl still complain of lack of participants, so perhaps it's time for some major changes? If you have a better idea, i'm sure the community would love to hear it.

nevertheless, if you read my posts carefully you will understand that short of making "structural" changes to WOE, the GMs here probably have done all they can do in their power to make WOE more rewarding.
IF this condition still does not appeal to certain groups of players, i don't think it's the GMs' fault rather than the players' fault.

Furthermore, you yourself have no facts to support your claim that the GMs have not tried to appease the pvp community. Free and readily available pvp rooms, hourly BG instances, WOE rewards, BG keys, pvp in TOH, and the odd pvp event all seem to point to the fact that the GMs HAVE done so much for the pvp scene.

09-09-2012, 08:16 PM
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trinitrotoluen Offline
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RE: Dark vs Light WoE
i joined both light and dark woe. its really wonderful. however, the one make me annoy is i cant killed without holding shift. so that holding make me slower than normally. Gm team should fix this ?
Become champion in pvp is not only way to be famous.just be lord of namless to get loving from heroes xD.

sieuxathu. Sniper 96/64 hcp really hunter, need aura.
Tri Nitro Toluen creator 97/61 noob bomd man,wish my old AI
physical attractive champion cant control lvl mvp hunter
kute blacksmith 70/40 fishing man
~super stealing~ rogue 94/50 lkf 1 policeress to marry
Acid Clohidrics alchemist 96/50 ad maker  
09-09-2012, 09:52 PM
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ChaosPrince Offline
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RE:??Dark vs Light WoE
mahawirasd Wrote:Furthermore, you yourself have no facts to support your claim that the GMs have not tried to appease the pvp community. Free and readily available pvp rooms, hourly BG instances, WOE rewards, BG keys, pvp in TOH, and the odd pvp event all seem to point to the fact that the GMs HAVE done so much for the pvp scene.


Read the Whining section, everything related to PvP/BG/WoE, those are FACTS. I believe the older players, some DoE members, and previous competitive players said most of it.

@Sieu: dude, just you /noshift or /ns
09-09-2012, 11:01 PM
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