Hey there
My name is Melosythe and I'm new here =D. My sister and I were looking for a Server to play on together and we finally decided on heRO. And I'm quite happy with that choice. :] To me, I'm seventeen years old, from Germany and play RO ever since I can remember, because the whole family played

. Now only me and my sister play, but my Mom is thinking of playing again, so yeah. Maybe we'll be three people soon

. Well, I love farming, espically Headgears(I gotta collect them all!) and I love making my chars look cute. My favorite classes are a Farmer Rogue, Knight and Priests. =)
My sisters name is Sarell and she'd love to introduce herself, but her english isn't that good :<. So I'll just introduce her! She is 27 years old, had a long RO pause but thanks to me, she plays again! Her favorite classes are Hunter and Rogue. She also likes to collect Headgears, so we'll be doing that a lot. :]
Okay, well, we'll see you ingame! c:
Melosythe & Sarell