??OMGOSH!!!! It's a fake video

?? ~knows that you cant just hit the frets while not struming unless there is some cheat involved.... how lame~??Well I know my friend can get thru the song with 'no fail' cheat ON but he only gets to about 83% (that's his highest so far)
And while watching the video that Jubei posted I randomly looked at a part while it was playing and saw that there was a 'lag' with the kid hitting the long row of the frets coming at him and listening to the sound of him hitting the frets like ahead of what was ACTUALLY being hit... And I also know that that 'lag' couldn't of happened with that kind of recording... Don't be fooled with what your eyes show you... Now I'm not saying that this IS what it could be, but I think that the display on the TV with GH III was from some sort of previous recording of the song being played with a huge kind of cheat and then played it while the kid was "playing" along to the song... (reason for this assumption is from the 'lag' I talked about from above) I don't know WHAT to think about this video, but I'm also not doubting that it could-be the 'real thing'. I'm just not fully confident about what I just saw in the video.. That's all.