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Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
TheAbyss Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
Investigate would definintely be the funnest, I would love to see RO involve the brain more, thats what makes Zelda so interesting (;
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05-25-2008, 07:26 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
Puzzle/Investigation are only hard on the first few people who do then, afterwards most players get spoonfed the answers by players who did it already. Those are thus better as events usually. Not scratching the idea entirely, but I prefer to be cautious for this kinda thing.

Trap tiles I like, lots, we might try something like this in the future, thanks. We have novice plant maze that is similar to that however, but instead of traps, its don't get close to the plants or die. We have a sortof maze with traps planned for a future quest already.

Retrieval/Delivery/Infiltration/Survival/Defense: might try those someday too, thanks Icon_smile

We have a little Gambling in the Hatter quest.

We have middle gear that give +1 stat, it's from the Nobility system, but I don't consider it weak, considering angel wing ears are worth 15M+ and they give +1 str.

All in all, thank you for the suggestions, make sure you have explored all the hero custom quest before passing judgment, we have many unique features and try to offer a variety, some of the stuff you suggested we have similar stuff already implemented. And I guess we think alike because some of your suggestion we had already planned to include in future quests.
05-25-2008, 07:49 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
I think the problem of some of those quest lies in the fact that they require custom maps, which is quite difficult to make. You rarely see servers with custom maps (if they do, then everyone has them because we all got it from the same sources.) We considered making more DDR quests like the ones used in sign quest and dancer job change, but then we had to make a map full of those pads which is not how we want to spend our time on at the moment (would be nice if someone made it for us though =P)

Also for infiltration, although we don't have certain item in certain spot, but we do have NPCs hiding in various uncommonly visited dungeons in a few quests. Being asked to find these NPCs are in itself a form of infiltration. I guess that we can try to steal some ideas from Hellion quest but putting a tough monster in an otherwise unvisited dungeon, that will drop a quest item? We can think about it that way...

Thanks to your invaluable suggestions! We'll certainly try to add more of quests in diverse variety in the future.
05-25-2008, 07:53 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
Could always have events where GM's call up a certain class to meet and they all do an event that would be geared for them?...Then again probably would hear complaints about how that is unfair that not everyone can go to the event ._.

Oh well, I thought I would throw it out there anyhow.
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05-26-2008, 02:29 PM
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areakryte Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
How about adding a timing function to the puzzles and investigation so that even if you are spoonfed the answers, it's useless unless you can type or answer withing the limit.
05-26-2008, 05:03 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
areakryte Wrote:How about adding a timing function to the puzzles and investigation so that even if you are spoonfed the answers, it's useless unless you can type or answer withing the limit.

copy them in advance, and you just have to alt+insert them when the quest starts
05-26-2008, 05:25 PM
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teOx Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
wow those ideas sound awesome!
05-26-2008, 06:25 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
I think adding a timer would only further push people to ask others for answers rather than solving puzzles themselves Icon_sad
05-27-2008, 09:23 AM
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Chojiro Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
Why not add on to the helion quest? I find it a waste that a whole map was used for just one monster for one quest. The fact that it's optional makes it almost pointless, since it drops nothing. It is only a replica, but it's still a waste imo.

There is an item called Robo Eyes, which gives 1 dex, 1 def, 3% Atk and 3% MAtk. There are actually a lot of items like that now. Nothing drops them, but on a previous server you could get some through custom features. There are also "Refined" versions of equipment, which are basically more powerful than what you usually get ingame.
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(This post was last modified: 05-28-2008, 08:11 AM by Chojiro.)
05-28-2008, 08:06 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Server Critique (needs to be moved to suggestions)
If you refer to Geffen 4 as the "whole map was used for just one monster for one quest", this map is a custom dungeon on heRO and has much more than just Hellion ^_^;
05-28-2008, 09:59 AM
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