Ok... So I'm not going to lie, I'm not the most talented artistically but when I found this while I was bored at work it made for some interesting sigs... If anyone wants to make one for themselves the location is in the sigs but I thought they were funny...
I know some of these are off and I will update this post as I do more but unfortunately what I have to choose from is limited >.>
@Kadar- strangely enough, just change the name in that signature banner, and that appearance will almost always apply for at least half the sinx in the entire server XD;
@Krimnoob- Pandora should totally do that for him ingame
AWWW how sweet! You added the panda cart that i loves so much >3. Thank you very much i love it. I also like the female aaranock! Showing the inside out to the outside XD