It's good to know we agreed on the aproximate ratio of ad and poison bottles.??
Nidsrule Wrote:Because AD and EDP can have a huge impact on the match compared to skills related to gems.
Your argument makes no sense.??If that would be the case, you wouldn't be complaining that prof would get 30/20/10 gems (and others 15/10/5).??
"To limit basilica"
It's not about basilica, it's about all skills requiring gems.??With 15 blue gems, you can raise everyone 3 times.??Or you can make 1 raise, and 2 sw per people when you need to save them from asura.??Or you can use basilica, but thus limit the use of other skills.??It's all this stuff that will increase the amount of unpredictable during fights.??Will the wizard use a blue gem to save himself from asura, or will he let himself die, and make the priest ress him because he is running low on blues and need them for ganbanteim???With only 10 reds, he will have to choose carefully when to use stone curse, thus not necessery use it evertime he can, etc etc etc
Nidsrule Wrote:Id rather start with open item usage and implement limitations from there, rather than guessing at what will be fair and going the opposite way.
That has been done gazillion of times.??It's the history of pvp on hero and worldwide, and the reason why we lack evidence of what would happen with heavy item restriction.??
edit : It is 1:44 am here, I am going to sleep and check the thread tomorow.