Pokemon had a pretty throughout revamp when wizard gave up control over it in Neo set, and Pokemon also uses standard block ban type of deal like Magic. Pokemon almost always uses these block ban periods to do pretty throughout revamp to gaming style and mechanics. Like first few sets you almost always want to evolve the least or only use 1-2 evolution lines, now they finally got it so that you want to evolve a lot and use multiple evolution lines all at the same time, with basic Pokemon being support instead of the beat stick.
YGO is funny like that. Cards go on and off a lot during every ban list cycle. How many times Breaker has gone on and then off, only to get on again next ban list? XD; (oh and BEWD was NEVER the best card. Just cause its flavor text say that it's the best... what sort of TCG gives out the "absolute best" card in a starter deck? XD Even in first set, the money is on axe of despair, not so much BEWD.)