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The Elemental Quest

The Elemental Quest
Long, long ago, there was a small village located near Geffen called Eraldhur. This village was popular for its magic school leaded by Sir Hemeral, a powerful High Wizard well known for his research about magic. Hemeral, knew about some secrets on the ancient magic and was working on a new type of special wings that could grant the elemental property to anyone.

However, rumors about the elemental wings got to Sir Melot. Merlot decided to lead a huge attack on Eraldhur ordered by Erebos to get those wings for his army. So one night, while everyone was asleep, Merlot surrounded the village and began to burn every houses on his way. Hemeral sensing this evil threat coming into town, taught to four of his students (the elementalists) how to create the wings. He asked them to depart one day before the attack and take different paths. When Merlot asked Hemeral about the wings, he denied the existence of those and fought with death. Hemeral died along with his knowledge, but his secret remain somewhere in Rune-Midgar....

Although, Hemeral left some infomation about the wings in his diary before he died...

[Image: screen_phoenix.jpg]
Pheonix Wings

Blazing wings made of boiling magma.

All stats +2
Fire Property
Enable the skill Fire Bolt Level 3
Enable the palette Soul of Fire

These wings are

[Image: screen_arctic.jpg]
Arctic Wings

Frosted wings made of sturdy icicles at the bottom of the sea.

All stats +2
Water Property
Enable the skill Cold Bolt Level 3
Enable the palette Forever Frost

[Image: screen_gaia.jpg]
Gaia Wings

Regid wings made from the very soil under the World Tree.

All stats +2
Earth Property
Enable the skill Earth Spike Level 3
Enable the palette Deep Root

[Image: screen_aerial.jpg]
Aerial Wings

Very light wings up in the floating land of hermits which lighten the body of the user.

All stats +2
Wind Property
Enable the skill [ ]
Enable the palette Green Leafs


I'll give my secrets to each student blessed with the ability to use elements...
Each of them are little sprouts and each of them enjoy spending more time where they can surpass their abilities. I liked each of you, your were like my own children. We've spent so much time together... I hope you will be able to use this knowledge to help this world before Erebos take it away...

I Love you

Hemeral Straberough
03-26-2006, 12:29 AM

Messages In This Thread
The Elemental Quest - by GM-Feith - 03-26-2006, 12:29 AM

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