1-4x Jace (that one they always reprint)
2-4x Disperse
4x Mana Leak
2x Negate
2x Remove Soul (or whatever they call it now and days...-_-)
Eh, probably could use some work, but basically use prototype portal to spam out mox opals.??You can search for mox opal with trinket mage, then when you draw Darksteel Juggernaught start beating them down and spamming more mox opals leaving me with plenty of mana to play my other junk.??Voltaic Key is so lolzy in this deck and you can untap the juggernaught if you need to also or the ratchet bomb if you really need more counters on it to clear board.??Did they make blue or red any other artifact search cards???I doubt they did but if they were dumb enough to I'd slap that in the deck also.
Other cards I'd play around with: Stoic Rebuttal, Shape Anew, Grand Architect, Molten Psyche. Anyway, feel free to critique this deck or not critique it, I haven't played Magic in ages.