You make good points about Artifacts, I'll give you that. I'm hoping the next two sets in this block add more Myr support too. I'm definitely going to keep my eyes on the spoilers for Mirrodin Beseiged as they are released.
But yeah, Scars did have a good bit of control cards in it. The black card Memoricide comes to mind. Of course there's anti-artifact control spells as well.
Again, I'll agree with you on the control standpoint. For a long time I noticed that control decks didn't have much of a presence in Type II. I myself saw mostly Jund, Naya, Red Deck Wins, Red/Green Eldrazi, and different Black decks at the tournaments my hobby shop ran. I always play a control deck of some kind (heck, my Myr deck has a decent bit of control spells in it), so I'm glad that it's getting a stronger presence.
In regards to Tezzeret, I wasn't talking about a reprinted one with the same abilities as the Shards version. They made a completely new Elspeth (who would actually work okay in my Myr deck, even as a Sideboard card), so why not make a new Tezzeret too? He'd be a good Sideboard card with Elspeth, so there'd still be some variety.