I have a vampire deck that used to rape until my friend went to every hobby store he could find and spent his entire paycheck on mythic rares.??So, now he just has this ridiculous deck that is nearly impossible to beat.
He has this one card that reads something to the effect of, "Discard this card to your draw pile, shuffle, and take another turn."??So, he keeps this card the entire game on the off-chance that he has worn his deck to nil.??When his deck is worn to naught, he attacks, discards, draws the one card remaining (which is the one that let's him take another turn BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY ONE LEFT), and repeats.
It's a bitch.??He only did that because he never beat my vampire deck.??D:
I haven't played in forever, though.??I'm sure all of my decks aren't what they used to be by today's standards.??=\