(05-08-2014, 01:06 PM)Jens Wrote: (05-07-2014, 07:18 PM)Valerie12345 Wrote: Jens: Why? I love it tough ^_^
Kittie: Did you watched? :D
So....where to start..
The characters are unlikable, one-dimensional, the dialogue consists mostly of calling each other's name and very cheesy lines, too cheesy even for the genre, the story seems to be written by a 15 years old and makes characters behave in a very idiotic way...in fact it relies on characters behaving as stupidly as they can with a side dish of OOC moments.
For us RO players, it has added layer of nonsense concerning game mechanics being translated into the anime horrendously.
It's even too bad for the "So Bad That It's Good" cathegory.
And that's coming from someone who considers Nyarko-san falling into the hilarious cathegory.
RO anime is bad.
Nichijou still #1 comedy anime.
Summer Wars is a really good MMORPG anime ( movie actually ).