I just got back on the server, so I dont know if is there a better support for the builds I'm going to list:
- Melee Super Novice: Just like Ponpon said, melee super novice is just a rogue that doesnt auto steal.
- SBK Sinx: I feel like the transition isnt very smooth. You have to jump from agent katar to Ice Pick + Elemental Sword.
- Kunai Ninja is very fun, but isnt so good...
- Auto Spell Sage deserve some love, right?
- Last but not least, steel body autocast monk is one of the most fun builds to play, but required some advanced gears to be good... =(
PS: The main problem of ragnarok is that it never really changed the "meta". I wish one day gunslingers, SLs, SNs all looking like real classes.