This looks like the cover to a magazine.??...A pornographic magazine.??o.0
Speaking of, if you ever hear of "Two Girls One Cup" close your ears very tightly and reassure whoever is speaking to you that you do not plan on watching the video no matter how "awesome" they say it may be.??It's not awesome, it's two girls pretty much out-doing Fear Factor, Jackass, and Team Sanchez put together on the f***ing-disgusting factor.??The video seems to be sweeping the net.??Don't let your curiosity do you in.??Trust me.??>_>
*edit* I was wrong!??It's a porn video... How... exhuberantly vomit-inticing.??Sry I posted it, but I couldnt read the small text since I'm hooked up to the big screen right now and s-vid takes away from quality.??At least you can't see anything.??=3
...Can you? *switches to laptop screen to make sure you can't*
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2007, 05:39 PM by Whispers.)