Ok, so I installed sakray, and ragnarok, and the mini installer.
that all worked well, except that when I try to patch heRO, it'll get to the 10/29 patch and stop at 20%, I'm using the latest stuff available too.
could someone please help me, got it working on another computer that had a similar problem but it eventually worked.
the thing is is that it willnot get past that patch, sometimes it'll got to 4o% and sometimes it'll only get to 20% or 10% but I've lauched it like 20 times and it won't finish the patch
Do you have enough space on your computer? Probably do, but just making sure. Is your internet connection stable? Anything else downloading at the same time?
One thing you can do if all else fails is ask a friend to send you their hero.grf + neoncube.file and drop them in your RO folder, should work.
... well, I tried that, and it still won't patch
I can get the game to lay without patching, but its all laggy, dunno if thats my connection or some file trouble
oh well, thanks anyways
Seems like the same error that I have, I fix the problem by patching hero on my Ubuntu OS but that's just cause I have dual booting. The problem seems to come from Sakray and not from heRO cause I made a copy of the Sakray on another folder and put another server there to test and the same thing happened, the patcher wont patch on windows.
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