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Final Fantasy VII-XIII
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
All FFs have their no level challenge basically. FF8 was the only no level challenge I can do because it was just that easy XD; It's the only way to get max stats in FF8 anyway.

FF7 may not be worse than FF8 compare to "normal attack please" problem. At least in FF7 if you aren't overleveling, you DO need the magic to great length. FF8, minimal level challenge still requires no magic, not even cure (because you can easily leave Quistis at 1 hp to endlessly spam whatever blue magic you need. Limit break system is a lot better than the low hp special system in FF8 for how easily abusable Quistis and Squall is.)

Triple Triad is indeed fun, but I really hate the space laws in the space station =(

FF9 is fun because of its plot to me... its a really cute plot and there's really no screwup until they pull off necron to a "what are you talking about" scale. Again, the don't try too hard at super plot twist on the final boss applies to FF9 pretty well. Kuja is obviously a bad guy and basically is your final boss for a very, very long time.

FF2 I never played it... can't comment.

Didn't play FF6 on GBA either, except I heard of unlimited Illumina and Atma Weapon?
11-08-2008, 02:07 PM
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Frogboy Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
like all the remakes of squares older ff games, they included bonus dungeons and such in the game, and this one is no exception. this one has two bonuses, one being the dragon's den dungeon, the other being the soul shrine which is basically a somewhat beefed up coliseum where you could get unlimited of the most powerful weapons (also illumina and atma weapons are no longer the most powerful weapons in the game, they are still up there, but with the remake they added a few weapons n such which are more powerful)
11-08-2008, 02:38 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
more powerful than 9999 x 4 + defense pierce? Sweat

Meh, not like I have that game anyway ;p
11-08-2008, 03:26 PM
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Frogboy Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
lets just say the new weapons don't rely on you having to have full hp and uber levels to deal that kind of damage Sweat
11-08-2008, 04:01 PM
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Fusionon Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
Hmm my favorite FF we're FFIX for the 3-D ones(I don' t care how many people hate it) and my favorite old school one is FFII, closely followed by FFV. I don't know why I like the stat progression system in FFII so much, but its just fun for me. Except at the beginning, where imp = death, at least it did for me.

And FFIX, which was the first FF I ever played, was just great. I liked the story, the gameplay, the skills, ability, resistances, etc. and how you got them. Also, I loved Zidane, Vivi, and Dagger/Garnet, and are still some of my favorite FF characters. And this was the first(and so far the only) time I ever beat the SUPER HARD INCREDIBLY UNBEATABLE BOSS near the end, or the giant bubble known as Ozma. Well except in FFVIII, but I was cheap and just used Selphie's The End attack and killed it in one hit.

I'm surprised no ones even mentioned FFV, that one was also great. While I can't say if FFIII did the class system better, or if FF X-2 was better, I still liked it, except the main bad guys name. Seriously, Ex-death. There could have been a ton of better names, but even ignoring that, it was still a great game.

Hmm, other than the ones I mentioned, I played FFI, FFVI, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFX and beat. I never got around to finishing FFX-2, FFXII, and various other like all the Tactics and such.

And I must say that I never completely understood either FFVII's or FFVIII's story, both we're good games, and they both had good stories, but in my opinion, they were a convoluted mess. After a certain point I didn't understand anything, though I still tried to make sense of things.

And I agree that leveling up in FFVIII is rather pointless, since only junctions matter. And when I first played FFVIII, I could hardly understand how to use the junction system.??I was like 10, 11, or 12 when I first played it, and to me, they're tutorial was very confusing.
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(This post was last modified: 11-11-2008, 08:32 AM by Fusionon.)
11-10-2008, 09:05 PM
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RyuMiyamoto Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
Tactics took the cake for me personaly, as my favorite FF game. Also personaly i found that all the games after 8 went downhill, untill 12 came out and they improved it a bit, but still not as good as the games up until 8.
02-27-2009, 12:07 AM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
RyuMiyamoto Wrote:Tactics took the cake for me personaly, as my favorite FF game. Also personaly i found that all the games after 8 went downhill, untill 12 came out and they improved it a bit, but still not as good as the games up until 8.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



FFT is the only FF game that i actually enjoy due to how hard random encounters always are!

and also because it involves much more thinking and strategy than the other FF games...

FFTA was kinda meh though... Laugh

03-03-2009, 09:59 PM
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Snejk Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
I played only FF VI / VII / IX.
VII would be my favorite, but... it's clearly unfinished(so many quests that can't be completed!). VI remains the best for me, and IX brings back the old style of FF games.
And WHY there were no (real) moogles in FFVII? T_T
05-08-2009, 07:23 AM
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BlueAlchemy Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
I only played FFX and FFXII, well... I did play FFX-2 but that game was so horrible I stopped after the first chapter of the game.

My Top 3 FF games

FF6 (FF3 in North America)
FF Tactics
FF 10

I haven't played any other FF games besides the very 1st one.
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05-10-2009, 12:18 AM
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Alister Offline
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RE: Final Fantasy VII-XIII
Played FF6/7/8/9/10/10-2/12/ 7-Crisis Core/ FFTactics/Tactics Advance and Advance 2.. But the best is 7! *
10-09-2009, 01:42 PM
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