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Whispers Offline
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RE: New to the server.
I think it's all the dark imagery with the pink text that made Aqualys think you're emo - unless she was just trying to milk the crazy thing.??=p
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2009, 04:38 PM by Whispers.)
07-16-2009, 04:38 PM
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cadaverprincess Offline
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Lol Ok. I just like pink and the skull is actually part of my business. xD I couldn't figure out a better avatar.

We never had "emo" when I was younger, so this whole movement is new to me. Although my little brother grew up with it. He said it's something along the lines of: popularizing angst and depression in the mainstream for teenagers and young adults.

I dunno if this is right tho. I'd love clarification, because I know I've seen someone pelted balloons at a Fetish Club for mistaking Goth for Emo. (By both emo and goth ppl) LOL
[Image: aether.png]
07-16-2009, 04:54 PM
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Whispers Offline
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RE: New to the server.
So, they're saying it's the new grunge???I guess I could see that...Just instead of the flannel you wear your sister's pants and sag.??LoL

Emo is a style of punk originally called "Emotional Hardcore" or "Emocore".??You can see where the simplified "Emo" comes from.??Emo started getting famous with the advent of "Screamo" in which, well, the singers screamed - in my guess - to attempt to sound more metal, or hardcore.??Mixing their styles with a bit of some pop influence also brought emo punk to the limelight (in case you were wondering why punk is big now when it's been around for 30 years).

Emo got big with Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional, and Blink-182 which is odd because I am the polar opposite of Emo but I love Dashboard Confessional.??LoL

The popular stereotype for emo is tight clothing, studded belts, skater shoes, and long bangs brushed to one side, possibly covering one (or, for some reason, both) eye(s).??Hair is usually dyed black but may also have another color in there, like pink, blue, or red.

In the beginning Emo was actually characterized by a rather clean-cut look and sweater vests.??As the genre grew on younger, "gothier" teens, however, it went rather dark.??Nowadays Emo is associated with Goth in that it is dark, but differs greatly from Goth, imo (I love Goth, hate emo.??>_> ).??Emo also vicariously supports self-abuse such as cutting and even suicide.??Though most bands don't say cutting and/or suicide are okay, they do promote the benefits of cutting as being better than suicide or living a life void of feeling (i.e.- Papa Roach's "Last Resort" - "Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort.??Suffocation, no breathing.??Don't give a f*ck if I cut my arm, bleeding.").??It is believed by some that cutting is the only way one can truly feel (I have friends covered in scars... Their explanation is always the same.??-_- ).??The advocacy of suicide is also misdirected in that lyrics don't tell listeners to kill themselves should something/everything go awry, they do express it's ease and hardly argue the negative side of the act.

Emo is also known as the "Suicide Cult" due to it's depressing lyrics and lifestyle.??Due to all of the suicide and self-harm propaganda and imagery some people lose sight of what is right and true and kill themselves in a belief that it is somehow glamorous or perhaps even cool.??One such story to reach great fame was of 13-year old Hannah Bond who hung herself shortly after revealing to her father that she slashed her wrists as some sort of "Emo Initiation Ritual".??She was known as a great pupil and a happy kid.??She told her parents the Emo thing was just a fad (and it is) and they believed her.??She had a Bebo account where her avatar was a girl's freshly gashed wrists, she had an image of a diary entry reading, "Dear Diary, Today I give up..." and wrote of the "glamours" of suicide; specifically hanging.??She hung herself from her bunk bed with a neck tie.??-_-

I'm not one to speak out against what people do in general, but people who take a fad too seriously need to be talked to.??I'll think you're silly for wearing your pants too tight and covering half your face with your bangs, but you are free to do it.??If you start to cut yourself or think about suicide, though, I'll be the first to tell you that Emo is bullsh*t and you shouldn't lose yourself in what others think is cool or because what someone famous said makes sense to you.??You need to face the world subjectively so you can become your own person, strong and sensible.??If you look at the world objectively, taking what others say as fact, then you're just a face with someone else's voice.??=/

So, there's Emo in a nutshell. Ok
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
07-16-2009, 05:42 PM
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Zeena Offline
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That is wierd. I love Jimmy Eat World and Blink-182. I'm no emo though, of course. I also love Papa Roach's 'Last Resort', but I just like the song in general. The lyrics are somewhat graphic, in a suicidal way, but I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing. And, I totally agree with the ast paragraph.

I won't say anything more, since this thread was originally an introduction. Sweat

So, hope you have fun in-game. XD
07-16-2009, 06:00 PM
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Whispers Offline
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RE: New to the server.
You totally agree with "So, there's Emo in a nutshell. Ok"?

jk jk.??=p
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2009, 06:03 PM by Whispers.)
07-16-2009, 06:03 PM
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cadaverprincess Offline
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RE: New to the server.
Wow, that explains some good history to it. Thanks, you should replace some descriptions on the net. xD Get monies for regurgitating what you said here. No1

That really does differ from goth, l LOT. No wonder those kids got pelted with _objects that i am replacing with "balloons"_ Laugh

Yeah I am goth and lolita myself in lifestyle (they are two separate things D= not "gothic lolita" because it's a subculture of "lolita" i hate when people mix this up) I never really "got" emo.

Do any of the guys actually buy pants that are women's pants? Because I know my husband buys tight pants, but they do come in the men's section, but they are old school London cuts. (he was two tone and ska, back in the day) maybe that's why all pants in my size lately have no butt and are flat, LMAO, companies to cover their demand for such kind of pants have been reducing the behind in women's clothing. xD either that or vanity sizing has gone too far. ( i wore a xs to xxs and now i wear a xxxs??? wth?)

The Suicide Cult thing made me LOL a lot. As someone who actually has medical problems, if you feel like cutting or killing yourself, you need freaking help. D=

In some ways I agree going too far with something is a little extreme, especially if it is done en masse. When too many people are doing it I get scared. I'm very much not into mainstream. I tend to appreciate it more when the people around me are vibrant in their own uniqueness. Probably why I am liking this server better than others because I am not seeing 1/3 of everyone wearing a beret. D= Or an "of the month fashion headgear"

What's with the hair over their face though? Is that just a re-do of 80s hair again or something? someone accused it of being "asian fag" hair, i kinda took offense because a lot of gay people from asia that i grew up with had better taste in hair, or none at all. xD

EDIT: anyway with what Zeena

i'm gonna grab food at the grocary store and get back to lvling. Icon_biggrin

if anyoen wants to pm me so i have a better understanding and wants to "educate me" on this emo thing i do not understand, feel free to pm me. =D
[Image: aether.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2009, 06:05 PM by cadaverprincess.)
07-16-2009, 06:03 PM
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Whispers Offline
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RE: New to the server.
Typically music-based fads follow the fashion of prominent members of the music genre.??I spoke of flannel and grunge earlier.??Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Pearl Jam all had at least one member who wore a flannel shirt over a tee.??This was mainly due to the fact that Washington is cold and wet, but fans caught it as a fashion statement.??w/e??The same goes with the holes in the knees of jeans.??It's kind of hard to care about new pants when you're strung out on heroin.??Plus, the holes do loosen up the jeans and make 'em nice and comfy.??Nonetheless, early '90's fashion statement.

I can't say where the bangs over the eye come from.??I know a lot of women have worn hair like that over the past few decades and I know Emo boys tend to like to act like girls, so... Also, you do see that kind of style in some Asian cartoons which you will then see grow in the human population.??I wouldn't be surprised if some Emo-band-guy saw the fad and thought it was cool.??Of course, this Emo-band-guy being a star would make others want to wear the ridiculous hairdo.

So far there haven't been a lot of Emo suicides.??You can pretty much throw it in with the grunge category on the people killing themselves because they and the music they listen to is sad - there's not that many.??However, the cutting is bothersome.??I've never liked it (who does like to see someone they love slashing themselves because they think it makes them feel better?), and it is rather popular within the Emo subculture, sadly.??I just wish the "artists" would argue that maybe there's a better way to deal with your problems than cutting yourself.??Instead, "I cut myself because I'm sad," they could write something like, "Maybe I should stop for a minute or go for a walk and really think about what just happened so I can make sense of it and not let the next time hurt me so badly."??That's just me, though.??I don't like traveling in circles.

I'm not sure if they actually do buy or wear women's pants.??My friend and I just use the "sister's pants" line because it's funny.??They probably just buy tight-fitting jeans or possibly even sizes too small for them.??A big thing in Emo is the frail, helpless look.??Wearing your clothes as tight as possible makes you look smaller, skinnier, and weaker than were you to wear some Jncos and an XL sweatshirt.

What were these kids getting pelted with???I was confused by your first post mentioning the balloons.??I was wondering how one pelts with balloons.??Now I understand but I'm still confused as to the euphemism.

Now, Lolita... wth is that???The last I knew Lolita was either a woman of Spanish decent or a term applied to a girl of illegal age in pornography. 0.o?
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07-16-2009, 06:28 PM
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Aqualys Offline
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RE: New to the server.
Whispers Wrote:Now, Lolita... wth is that? The last I knew Lolita was either a woman of Spanish decent or a term applied to a girl of illegal age in pornography. 0.o?

Isn't a lolita a young girl? So, a lolita lifestyle would be dressing and/or acting like a little girl. I guess?

I don't get too serious when I say something about emo people and such. To me, "being emo" is just a state of mind. Being a very emotional person, easily depressed, easily overjoyed.

Thanks for the history lesson, Whispers~

Yes, emos are often viewed as Goths or vice versa. A Goth can be an overall nice and cheerful person, and an "emo" person can dress in exclusively in white. So, it's important not to mix the two, even though emo Goths are common.

... Okay, I wrote all that kinda out of order, but, meh.
[Image: Combination.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2009, 06:49 PM by Aqualys.)
07-16-2009, 06:47 PM
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cadaverprincess Offline
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Lolita in some ways is being a little girl and liking girlish things, but more like a young girl in nobility within the Rococo to Edwardian eras. If I were to act like a "little girl" now a days there would be a vast difference. LOL
Now a days it's a fashion (or lifestyle for others like myself) based on living like a noble born girl within the Roccoco to Edwardian timelines, and also to promote the ideal of being pretty and not having to adhere to society's views that a woman _must_ be overtly sexual in her clothing. There's a lot to it actually. I think the best explanation for it would be trolling around the LJ communities.

Lolita It's actually a rather new "pop" term for little girl. It's actually something that people used as a "coin phrase" taken from Nabakov's book "Lolita". Lolita is actually the short form for the name Deloris, but the coin phrase he meant to be used as "little girl" in the novel is "nymphette" which is funny how pop culture twists things around, LOL.

I actually find a lot of goths do wear white, but there has to be a reason for the white outfit, often it's to appear "ghostly" as the theme goes.

I like your view when you said: "To me, "being emo" is just a state of mind. Being a very emotional person, easily depressed, easily overjoyed."

I think I can appreciate that a little more than the negative impressions people try to give me about the culture.
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07-16-2009, 07:06 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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Welcome to you and your husband Icon_biggrin
07-17-2009, 09:08 AM
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