The engine and the game design is the same.??Instead of being the adventures of hero X it is the adventures of hero Y.??RO has a different engine and a different gameplay than wow. However, there are a gazillions of 3d mmorpg f2p using the same engine/gameplay than woe.?? Banjoo-kazooie is not an exception in the gaming world.??There are way more games that are skins of other games (like Drxmario vs Tetris) in the history of games than games that are truly original in the way we play it, or in the universe that the gamer experience.??There are few ganes that I would qualify has "innovative", and banjo-kazooie is not one of the them.??But that is just me.??:-l
Replacing the word "blocks" by "pills" and "viruses" and changing the model skins doesn't make the game "innovative". ?__?