The HeRO Wiki and Control Panel are both run on the same domain. Technical support has been contacted regarding this and they will be working on it. The Wiki is currently back online. The Control Panel is in-work.
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
Really makes me sad because I just had to blow 60 points on DB boxes XD Hope tech support fixes it soon =P Thanks for letting us know what's up, Radiance.
no IFs ANDs or XORs.
Incarn Wrote:[Jelly]'s not an idiot, he just likes to derp and actually make the derp work
"Don't crack, 'cause you might not make it back. And if you do, then you'll be alone, and ya can't live like that!"
"And they say that a Hero can save us, I'm not gonna stand here and wait..."