With casual play, my group useta be more of an "anything goes" as far as deck building goes. xD
You can also play the very difficult to get into Vintage and Legacy formats I guess. Definitely will want to read up about decks that perform best in those formats but to be honest they are very expensive to get into usually.
You'll want to play Yugioh more for tournaments if you just want to play whatever though. You might be able to get pretty far as long as you play decently and make a semi-coherent deck. x)
Aaronock Wrote:You'll want to play Yugioh more for tournaments if you just want to play whatever though.??You might be able to get pretty far as long as you play decently and make a semi-coherent deck. x)
YGO is pretty much dead until the next ban list comes out, they managed to make the most OP and unbalanced deck ever lol.
Other 2 monster zones end up being a 2100 atk monster and 2000 atk one. On the first turn >_>, also you will note they have like 2 different counter traps which have no cost to activate.
Didn't the last banning and restriction list hit some of the Six Samurai cards? :O
Guess they didn't get nerfed enough, expect the synchro or some other special summon type Six Samurai to get hit if its too powerful still next ban/restriction list. x(
they only made gateway of the six limit, which slows them down, but not nearly enough. Thing is that when the banned list came to pass they hadn't released the new ones (new ones are the younger version of the Legendary Six). Basically the deck only runs about 14 monster, the rest are draw/counter/acceleration/search six sam cards ._.
yeah, I've seen the preview decks with the xbox live game they made. I'm just wondering which plane they might hit up after the core set comes out. I personally would love it if they came back to kamigawa, as long as they don't bring back arcane spells and that whole ki counter crap
Chars: BK SinX, Swordie, GS, Asura Monk, Ninja