Prices aren't static.??They change. A good example of this are hatter cards: they used to be around 150-200 k. Nowadays they're up to 500 k, or more depending??on if they have a use, like fabre card which can be up to 1 m.
As far as I know, Ayantis doesn't play anymore. That fact alone should render his arguements somewhat moot.
While I don't agree with all of the prices listed here, (they're more like guildelines!) I do have my own opinions on things.
I honestly don't find much use for SP when killing crap cards when they're weapon cards. People kill brutes without much effort anyway, I can conceivably see Neraid used at hill winds, but Earth deleter still way outperforms in that regard, and isn't limited to brutes, but Neraid doesn't nullify SP regen.
Also a list of hatters shows that Neraid is a hatter.??I've seen them go for about??500 k due to extremely low demand for that particular card.
List of hatters here:
Muscipular isn't a hatter, and 3% is an Awefully low chance for autocasting??lvl 1 skills. It takes up a shield slot thus eliminating racial reducts like Thara or Teddy bear. It would be better if it could cast the level of Agi and/or Heal that you know, but wouldn't you know that??it casts lvl 1 regardless. Enchanted Peach tree is a better option.??I'd honestly consider the NPC's buying price of 10 z (12 with overcharge)