*clicks tumblr link and is transported to Ahiru/Fakir Land* Oh my goooood... *__* /scans first page. LOL @ Gordon Ramsey memes. And I also used to be super into Gundam Wing (my first fandom) and regret not learning piano, haha. /follows for great justice
If by chance you want to follow me back, my name there's the same as here. Totally get it if you aren't interested, though, and won't be the least bit offended. I reblog a lot of live-action stuff at the moment - Elementary, BBC Sherlock, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek AOS, among other things (TOM HIDDLESTON AND BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH *cough*). Some political/social commentary stuff. Also, Transformers: Prime. And whatever other nostalgic fandom stuff I happen to come across...
Haha, yeah. XD My tumblr is... very Princess Tutu oriented, with heaps and heaps of Fakir/Ahiru stuff. I share some doujinshi pages on there, too. There are some dedicated Japanese fans for the series! And Gundam Wing was great, back in the day. Anime was very limited back then, so we took whatever we could get. Internet access was more of a treat back then, too (and dial-up internet... ugh).
I followed you back, too. :3 I don't mind what you blog about. I can't say I've watched any of those, but the posts can still be interesting. The only thing that really turns me off of following people are the ones who reblog like 10 things at once or a whole bunch in a row. Then I can never keep up with my dashboard. XD;
Animated signature by: Me
Sprite signature by: Reni
Uh oh >.>; *is one of those types* XD; I'm abysmal at my dashboard; I don't even try. I spend most of my time on individual blogs or tags. /doing it wrong
* w* Nice work! I like to draw as well, and I have trouble with adding detail. It's mainly cuz I get too excited imagining what the end result will be that i can't help but rush! XD I have to work on that.
Anyways! I really like your most recent work! Very nice tree, and I like the sketchiness of it. ^_^ Keep it up~
Thanks a lot! Detail can be a tricky thing, but there's no limit to art styles. In the end, art is a form of expression and it's different for every person.
I really need to do more reference art. To be honest, I hate doing realistic things, but there's just SO much you can learn from it. I've benefited greatly from it in the past month or so.
Animated signature by: Me
Sprite signature by: Reni
Yes! I used to hate drawing realistically too, but now I love to incorporate it in my artwork. I need to practice more of the realistics before I wanna get better with other things. XD
Keep posting! ;O; & i've followed you on tumblr, mwahaha ~