i will when i get my work for my club/ society done first. after that i can do it, pandy i'll try fuse your avatar sprite with the sprite that you used to use (with panda hat) not sure you still use that look cos i havent seen you recently. and i'll add 2k-tan to it. i still dont know how to use photoshop so i will just do it black and white

as ussual.
sorry for disapearing for so long without notice.
ok i still havent drawn it yet, but i found something called moderator tan several days ago. i wont post it because i do not think some of the text is suitable.
but i have a small idea that may be fun for the entire server who likes to draw. why not have a small server forum competition of drawing GM-tan.
-characters should embody every aspect of the image of a GM
-must be female to follow our beloved japanese predecessor of the os-tan creators
-not explicit, they must be suitable for minors to view
-can the gm judge the best and most iconicly symbolic GM-tan please, maybe we can have our own GM-tan mascot or something.