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Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Thanks for the review, MysteriousManiac!

I almost forgot about today's random trivia, so here goes: The first guild to conquer a WoE castle was the same one I mentioned yesterday that obtained the first emperium. Order of Chaos fought and beat the GM team, who was defending the castle!
10-09-2019, 06:12 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Who remembers the old Fairyland map, the one that was recently replaced by the Caerulia map?

It was one of the first custom maps ever added to the server. Back then there were no mapping programs so even a map as simple as that one was quite a feat!

Anyway, if you have some free time and would like to help HeRO, why not leave a review on RMS? We're trying to get one a day during October, as part of HeRO's 14th Anniversary.
10-10-2019, 10:34 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Thanks for reviewing HeRO on RMS, fireaper! We're always looking to make early game more enjoyable and will keep in mind your suggestions for future releases. Right now for early game, HeRO has parts of the Faeheim Region, as well as its quests, most of which have no level requirement. There's also Malangdo, Nightmarish Pyramid if you heal bomb, Lutia and its quests. Features-wise we have Fishing if you need SP healing items, and Healer Quest to promote hunting mostly uncommon monsters for exp. Additionally, the Buddy Beanie Quest is available to help with early game survivability, and the official Class Training Quests provide custom gear that help out players that are just starting out.

Anyway, time for today's piece of trivia! Yesterday I mentioned how the old Fairyland map was one of the first custom maps ever added (if not the first). Today I'll talk about another of those first custom maps.

If you've ever felt the current Lutia Library Map kinda resembles a dungeon, you're on to something. The map was originally added almost a decade ago, and was meant to serve as an item trial map for TOH, due to issues back then with higher sniper turnout causing KS to be common. The map is basically the northern half of Glast Heim Castle F1, reskinned and remodeled.

However, the idea to change item trial maps was shelved not long after the map was patched and added to the server, and for years it was used in events only, until the first release of Lutia where it was released as The Great Library in Kaldheim!
10-11-2019, 08:08 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Thank you, Lucius3 and Drew_is_werD, for leaving a review on RMS!

Today there's no trivia, but there is a preview on some random stuff I've been doing for the next patch. Official RO has been seeing updates to old and new visual effects alike. You may have noticed some time ago we updated Crimson Rock and Adoramus, which are mostly used only by event mobs. Well, I thought It'd be nice to update more visuals but turns out the updates aren't compatible with pre ~2019 clients, so I've been editing some of the existing effect files with the new effect images instead of adding the new ones directly, to prevent issues. It's not as groundbreaking as the newer ones but at least it keeps the game feeling fresh visually.

Here's just some of the visual effect updates coming in the next patch:

Better looking and more easily noticeable stun animation
[Image: tvRN1HF.jpg]

Updated Storm Gust effect
[Image: GKI3xMr.png]

Improved non-extended class level up animation (and more)
[Image: ifIhyg9.png]
10-12-2019, 11:58 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Trivia time for today~ Did you know that there are 48 God Items on the server? That's 15 Megingjards, 14 Brisingamen, 12 Sleipnir, and 7 Mjolnirs. The player "Bloody Acid" created the first god item on HeRO, a Brisingamen.

Anyway, if you have some free time and would like to help HeRO, you can leave a review on RMS~ As part of HeRO's 14th birthday celebrations we're trying to get a review a day during October!
10-13-2019, 08:42 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Thanks, Tanyababy28, for reviewing HeRO! What's a doctor ticket though? Or did you maybe mean discord? xD

Anyway, I'll post yesterday's info on projects in development now, and later at night I'll post today's trivia.

As some of you know, Faeheim Archipelago is in development, though there's been a few setbacks and distractions. Here's some images from the currently unfinished second field, which contains a small camp where some of the main NPCs and quests will be located. The idea is that from this main area you can explore the fields to the west and east, to learn more about the ancient history of the region.

Keep in mind nothing is set in stone as it is all, well, still in development!

[Image: IHRaFU1.png]
[Image: W2JAvHX.png]
[Image: xIlYkKg.png]
10-15-2019, 12:16 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Thanks Noctali, for reviewing HeRO! Glad you've made many friends!

Yesterday's trivia that I forgot to post is about the first Lv 99 characters on HeRO. The first non-trans Lv 99/50 character was the player Cessy, while the first Lv 99 Rebirth Char was the Lord Knight Alexander.

As for today's trivia, The Easter Quest NPC, Annabelle, was first introduced in 2009, and has reappeared almost every year since then!

If you've got a minute or two of your time and would like to help HeRO, how about dropping a review on RMS? We're trying to get one daily during the server's anniversary month!
10-16-2019, 01:35 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Thanks, beepboop404 and edric9877, for reviewing HeRO on RMS! Love
10-16-2019, 10:16 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
The server's mascot is Drops as many of you know, so how about some random trivia related to it?

As of last night, in the whole server, there are 1,638 Drops Cards in players' inventories, 141 in carts, 1,944 in regular storages and 130 in guild storages, for a total of 3,853 drops cards in the entire server.

We're still at #6 on RMS, but very close to the #5 and #4 spots. Thank you so much for your reviews! Keep 'em coming!
10-17-2019, 11:51 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Let's help heRO by Voting/Reviewing!
Did you know King Tristan was once the NPC that dealt with nobility gem bonuses ingame? Sometime in 2012, about two years after the release of the quests where Tristan died, King Ernst became Rune-Midgard's new monarch, replacing Tristan the Third. You can even meet the king if you become a noble!
10-18-2019, 03:36 PM
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