The V4P system was added in May of 2010. The first gear was Ninja's Scroll (lower), followed by Mask of Goddess (mid). For a long time we tried to alternate between mids and lower headgears. We had to take breaks from adding new headgears when we started to run out, until new ones were released by Gravity. Not long ago, we began adding costumes to the mix instead of gears with effects!
Back in 2010 a Challenge for guilds was added, the Guild Quest. It requires the guild to visit several dungeons and deactivate crystals in each of them. In the span of 10 years, only 5 guilds have managed to complete it. They are: RObots, Roaring Bananas, Aliens, Hellstorm and Ragtag. Currently the Moscovia Guild Hall (a reward of the quest) is held by the Ragtag guild.
Today's heRO history trivia is regarding the whereabouts of heRO's custom content. Did you know that heRO has a long history of quests and stories that were planned well over 1 year in advance? For example, the Bee Wing rework was done by players in Test & Development from 2017 to 2018 working meticulously with statistical analysis and mathematical models for well over a year until the team finally agreed on a good balance of what Bee Wings can farm without being overpowered in NPC sell price. Lutia was first released after one year of planning for the first time as a server celebration, then closed for another year of further polishing before its permanent release in 2018. Faeheim and the still-not-released Faeheim Archipelago are planned/written for over 4 years! In fact, the Zodiac Wing quest is one of the first custom quests of heRO, and it's planned by GM-Pandora and the first GMs of heRO almost a year before the server was launched all the way on a summer day of 2004 (where excessive drinking may or may not be involved~)!