Its generally obvious if someone is AFK leveling their homuncs or botting.
Eh, if someone is that awesome at watching homuncs level that they can watch and anime and stuff, more power to them.
Hopefully homuncs won't bring about too many troubles.
bot test, ok then I'll keep main off and turn off exp messages... ohh btw, that reminds me, do homunculus killed monsters autoloot? That sort of scrolling might catch me...
Last time I used Homunc (when they 1st came out on trunk) the items from monsters killed was autolooted. If you have to pass a 'bot test' then we should add the new kRO chat interface at the same time we add homunc. The item chat spam from autoloot is going to get someone banned. Perhaps if a GM is going to test an alchemist for afk leveling they should give them a minute or two of leeway. I would imagine the rule is meant more to catch the people afk leveling overnight and less to punish the users who forgot to alt-tab every few seconds.
If you're actually there in front of your screen you should see if a GM is there, if the GM talks you will see it above his/her head. As for the chat, I don't see how it's any different from when you're leveling, items flood the chat pretty fast when you're killing lots of monsters.
You find it too boring? Why not kill monsters too, you can set your homun to attack one and go attack a nearby monster as well, right?
I wonder if you get more exp if both the player and the homun attack the monster.
My Experiance with hom's show that you get exp when both you and the hom kill a monster.
VaIor: Paladin 9x/6x, Valor: High Priest 99/70, Valor's Chemist: Creator 9x/6x, Weaver: Clown 99/70, Blank: Stalker 9x/6x, Spire: Sniper 9x/6x
Current project: Farming zeny to buy stuff to put my cards in!
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