How about making 4 different fishing rods, and make them equipment instead? Have 1 fishing rod for each level of equipment, usable by all jobs. Then, have the success or items of fishing depend upon the refine rate and level of fishing rod instead?
(How to get the fishing rods, can be decided later~)
Why not making fish dropable by some monsters (monster fish type) (when rod is equipped as a weapon) and get rid of the small square on wich everyone click spam?
XD just kiddin
I like the breaking idea, even though i dont fish
Flossy - The Real Meaning
Word used to define someone who is really intelligent but a bit stupid or an airhead.
A "Flossy" would say "I have a Phd in you think we can sit on chairs underwater ?"
"My IQ is 160, But i think red cars are faster than blue ones"
^ WHAT !! Thats BS~!!! Blue cars are FASTER !!~~~~~!!!~~
G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:Why not making fish dropable by some monsters (monster fish type) (when rod is equipped as a weapon) and get rid of the small square on wich everyone click spam?
Make it accessory if you gunna do that, otherwise it shafts the fighters :3
Unless it takes a shield slot or something I don't like that idea at all.