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Resistance Potions
Yumera Offline
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Resistance Potions
Resistance potions, do they work or not? I've seen it work and then i haven't and i was told it may not so i'm wondering does it work on this server or not ><!
04-17-2008, 10:38 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
I never heard that they didnt work, but never tried them to be honest.
04-18-2008, 07:57 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Resistance Potions
The difference of fire resist potion is surviving a GM Meteor Storm or not. With that kind of statement, let's say that it works.

They give you 20% resist of the element, but takes 15% bonus damage from their weaker element (so fire resist pot gives 20% resist fire, extra 15% from water.)

Using all 4 does give you an overall resist of 5% all.

Basically, imagine that you smacked Pasana/Swordfish/blah cards on yourself (for 1200000 seconds? I'm not sure... that's one freaky number but I *think* that's what the 1200000 represents in the script?) if you use a potion.
04-18-2008, 09:10 AM
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azurerogue Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
"sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT,1200000"

That's measured in milliseconds. For example, Concentration Potions (which last 30 minutes) have this script "sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION0,1800000,0". So that should mean that they last 20 minutes (the resist potions that is).

As for whether or not they work, allow me to make some comments on where they come into the reduction process.

Let's say, for example... you're fighting in Thor's with fire wings, a Penomena shield, and you use an Elemental resist potion (Fire). You're fighting a Salamander and it fires off it's fire attack property skill. (This causes it to use a fire property attack at 500% of it's normal attack value - which is 7.5-10k). For the purposes of this calculation, we will call it's base damage 50k. We will also assume you only have 30 Def and 30 VIT.

First, you apply Hard DEF to get 50000*(1-30/100)=35500

Then, apply Soft DEF to get (complicated) 35500-24=35476

You now apply Elemental Property calculations, reducing the total by 75%, resulting in 35476*(1-75/100)=8869

Now apply Size, Race, Element, and special reductions all at once. The formula, in this case, would be 1*(1-30/100)*(1-20/100)*1 (this is because of the Penomena Shield and the Potion) for a total of: 8869*1*(1-30/100)*(1-20/100)*1 = 4966.64

For comparison, the total damage of that attack without the fire resist potion would have been: 8869*1*(1-30/100)*1*1 = 6208.3

This is not to say that the potions do or do not work... but it would be hard to test unless you eliminate all other resistances to the race/element, because elemental modifiers are some of the last things to be applied to damage, making their percentage-based reduction less noticeable except in the case of very high damage (if I repeated those calculations without the sample character wearing fire wings, for example).
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04-18-2008, 11:03 AM
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Lysander Offline

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RE: Resistance Potions
Ayu, are you saying that they have been tested and work?
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2008, 11:06 AM by Lysander.)
04-18-2008, 11:06 AM
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Yumera Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
Yesterday I had Mystra attack me with gm's fire bolt with and with out potions. With out it did like 23k damage and with the potion it did 20k damage.
04-18-2008, 01:49 PM
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azurerogue Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
Then it seems like they are working. They come very late in the calculations, as shown above. They are not meant to be ZOMG AWESOME potions - just minor aids when it comes to reducing damage. And it's not at all like smacking an elemental armor on yourself Ayu, they come at different points in the calculation and DO NOT stack. Elemental armors do not stack with elemental reductions - which means that you cannot gain 100% immunity to an element by equipping an elemental armor, an elemental garment, and drinking an elemental potion - though it would be ridiculous reduction (something along the lines of 87.5% if I'm right - though I didn't do the math for that, just a rough guess).
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04-18-2008, 03:33 PM
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Kadar Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
Ele resist pots have been tested and do work. I personally use them a lot in WoE and as a general rule if you have low mdef it's gonna make a difference of about 200 dmg either for or against you.
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04-18-2008, 04:43 PM
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teOx Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
you bookworm albus Icon_biggrin

its always been hard to test reductions against magic with stuff like resistance, angeling, pots cuz the damage is scattered everywhere Icon_razz
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2008, 08:20 PM by teOx.)
04-20-2008, 08:18 PM
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ShadesOfBlue Offline
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RE: Resistance Potions
Kadar uses resist pots in woe .. hmm .. /me plots strategy.
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04-20-2008, 08:27 PM
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