This is strictly my opinion but i think the donations handed out are a bit too much. Now i know servers need money to run and i myself have not yet contributed to keep us running. But i feel we can do better with donations without causing a problem with economy in the long run. Old card albums are given every 5$ donated, this is probably the main cause of my concern. OCA's i know are chance based but they still give an opportunity to attain a really powerful and rare card, on what i may humbly remind you on a low rate server xD

(eg. ghostring*, thara's, hydra's) The 1 million at every 100 dollar interval is also unnecessary. (don't hurt me pandora)
Now these are just some things that come to my mind that can replace our current prizes that are more balanced yet just as rewarding.
- names of character, or names of guild change.
- sprite changes on hat gears. (eg. Replace the look of the poo poo hat with something more appealing like wings or w/e floats your boat, while still retaining its stats, so 10% demi human reduction.)
- Focus on consumables, branches, bloody branches are always fun for parties.
its been a while since i'v last been here, the donation thing is kinda what turned me away, im sure it might be an issue with at least one other person. Feedback and opinion please.