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Ninja Theory
Whispers Offline
from the Abyss

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Ninja Theory
I would throw this in Seifu's thread but it's turning into a flame war.??=/
I removed my signature green hue since some people claim it is hard to read and this guide is rather lengthy.

In any case, I've taken what Seifu provided and have - imo - improved upon it.

When I think of a ninja I think of hiding in shadows only to jump out at the right time to destroy your target.??I think of throwing shurikens and knives.??I think of impressive dodge and defense.

In other words:??unless I'm playing Mortal Kombat I don't think about special magical abilities when I think of ninja.

This is what I have come up with for a very nice throwing/shadow build:

STR 94 + 1(+ 6 with Soul activated)
AGI 1 + 9
DEX 93 + 15
VIT 2 + 1
INT 26 + 5(+ 10 with Soul activated)
LUK 25 + 11

With these equips.

INT is very important if you are a skill-based build of any class.??I am confused as to why Seifu left it out in the first place.
Since I was testing by summoning stings, I experimented with how long my SP lasted by traveling to the sewers (gl_sew03).
I killed 17 stings and eight gargoyles before running down to 20 SP which was constantly recovering very quickly even with Ninpou lvl 5.
This was with the technique of Soul-Illusion-Soul or Ciceda-Soul-Illusion-Soul if I was being attacked while trying to cast Soul and Illusion followed by a second Soul.
My HP hit the red but it was the use of Soul which placed it there and I didn't use any restoratives before my SP was drained.??After that I just used @heal.??=p

The extra LUK allows for higher CRIT.
It's too bad that CRIT only works off of whole numbers or this would bring CRIT to 12.??As it stands, CRIT is only 11, but the extra points in LUK bring chance percentages just that much higher.??I can't find a better use for the extra stat points.

DEX is very important since I've found casting times can be the death of my ninja.
Ciceda and Illusion keep you safe, yes; but time is the enemy in that they only block a certain number of attacks which can come around before you finish casting.??No1

AGI is useless in this throwing build since Ciceda and Illusion keep you safe from attacks so long as you reapply them after they wear off; and ASPD is meaningless if you don't plan on melee'ing.

I have a VIT build here which expounds upon Seifu's original idea of an FS ninja.
However, without the need for super-high HP in which to make the best use of FS I find little need for VIT outside of DEF.??So, I only brought it to 2 in this build to spend the last two stat points.

STR, of course, is for ATK.
I was able to bring about 600+ elemental damage at lvl 99.??I was using a +10 Rekka against stings for my test.??With Soul activated I only had to Huuma Throw (fire fuuma Shuriken [Rekka]) then Kunai Throw (fire kunais) and the sting was dead.??Two-skill death was very, very nice.

Slash skills were very nice, too, although I mainly used them for avoidance as opposed to actual extermination techniques.??When used to kill a sting I only had to Mist Slash and Shadow Slash twice each to kill the sting with Mist Slash doing around 1k~1300 damage and Shadow Slash reaching the 4500 range with Soul activated.

I find Final Strike to be completely useless unless you've a lot of heals.??I plan on soloing, though, and I rarely bring a ton of pots/fish with me.??I only sell loots which aren't used in any quests or creations.??I've yet to have to hunt for any quest I've done because of this; ergo, I like to keep loots (one of the many reasons I have a yoyo!).??Laugh

Final skills are as such:

Throwing Mastery Level 5
Throw Shuriken Level 5
Throw Kunai Level 5
Throw Huuma Shuriken Level 5
Reverse Tatami Level 1
Mist Slash Level 10
Shadow Jump Level 5
Shadow Slash Level 5
Cast-off Ciceda Shell Level 5
Illusionary Shadow Level 9
Ninpou Training Level 5
Soul Level 5

This leaves you four skill points to distribute as you wish.??I personally think I'll put them in Ninpou for the increased SP recovery.??One could throw them into Tatami, but I find that skill to be nearly useless - especially with Ciceda and Illusionary Shadow.??You could put them in a magic skill, but I wouldn't.??I tested them in Fire Blossom and only did 8 dmg on a wood goblin.??Laugh

I left Illusionary Shadow at 9 because lvl 10 only adds 20 seconds to a lvl 9 Illusion which already lasts three minutes and 40 seconds.??LoL

Throw Huuma is in there because I tested it and I like it.??It does more than double the atk of Throw Kunai of similar elements (in respect to the Fuuma Shuriken equipped - again, I tested with a +10 Rekka).??It also delivers splash damage which allows for mobbing.??Ok

All in all, I really liked using what Seifu provided as a base for making a ninja.??I never knew a lot about ninjas and my knowledge of RO is extremely dated.??Ever since I most recently came back to HeRO is my real first chance to experiment with 2-2 characters and new worlds/maps added since X*RO shut down in - what was it? - 2005/6?

If I weren't so intent on leveling my Hunter and making Sniper I'd start on a Ninja tonight.??As it is, however, I really like my Hunter and I really want to make Sniper.??So, yeah.??Ninja can wait.??Laugh

Thanks for reading this far and let me know how you feel about my build.??=D


After looking at the skills I think it'd be best to level Throwing Mastery to one first so you can get to Throw Kunai faster since kunai are elemental and will allow you to deal more damage from a distance at higher-level monsters.??I haven't tested it yet, but since kunai don't miss you could start increasing solely STR to increase the ATK and level on geos at a relatively low level.??When the ATK gets good enough you can raise INT for SP then DEX for cast time.
Then you can either raise Mastery to 5 or work on shadow techniques if you haven't acquired a fuuma shuriken yet (I ran to Amatsu and found Rekka's to cost 50 steel, 100 live coal, 100 burning heart and 78kz - rather expensive).

I should really just make a ninja to test all of this out in real time.??xD
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2010, 11:32 PM by Whispers.)
03-26-2010, 11:49 PM
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Session Offline
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RE: My Ninja Build
I'm not sure how it affects all classes right off hand, but aspd is supposed to reduce skill cooldown a bit more, allowing quicker re-usage of a skill.
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03-27-2010, 09:27 PM
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Whispers Offline
from the Abyss

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RE: Ninja Theory
I learned that ASPD merely affects the FPS of your sprite thereby allowing quicker casts after attacking.??Thinking

In any case, with the new Ninja gears and their assumed abilities I could remove one point from dex (as the +7 will bring it one point over the stat bonus necessity) and add one to luk (increasing crit to 12.1, making 12 crit instead of the previous 11 with 11.8), four to vit (rounding it out to a nice 5 with the +1 job bonus), and the last three points to add one to agi (why not?).
The +6 int can leave int where it currently stands at 26 and will raise total in to 42 - a multiple of six (times seven).??No1
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2010, 02:40 AM by Whispers.)
03-28-2010, 02:39 AM
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Whispers Offline
from the Abyss

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RE: Ninja Theory
FYI: The atk of your weapon affects the atk of throwing skills.

There was a debate about it on main so I tested the damage on my ninja from the asura versus a knife.??The difference was huge.

So, if you're going for a throwing build you should keep in mind the weapon you equip even if you don't plan on using it.??No1
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2010, 01:42 AM by Whispers.)
03-30-2010, 01:41 AM
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