Hey all. According to the very last announcement (not to mention the launcher), we have Pandalina in Pront. The thread in the Announcements section had this to say...
"In Prontera you will find Pandelina who has gifts to bestow our patient heroes, because we are so so sorry for all the downtime and inconvenience!! Rates have also been increased to 6/6/4 (no change to chests staying at 3, and cards are still 5)"
What if you are lower than 75 (which is required for her to talk with you)? My account was trashed (still trying to figure that one out), and my mains (both of whom were well over 75) are gone. So, more out of curiosity than anything, do lower levels not get rewarded? We returned to heRo after being away for far too long. Not long after, the server went down. Ever since it came back online, I have wondered...
Anyway, it's just a question that has been on my mind. Catch you all in game!