Observation Wings Quest

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Travel through Thanatos Tower and help a strange man to be able to craft the pretty observation wings!

Observation Wings Quest

Base Level:

Lv. 99 if non-trans

Job Class:

Trans or Lv. 99 non-trans


Yes (3+)

Items (Consumed):

White Angel Feather x50
Soft Feather x30
Blue Feather x5
Panacea x1


Quest Rewards:

Observation Wings

Quest Guide

1. At Thanatos Tower, Floor 7, in the first sections of the floor, you can find a Strange Man (he is located approximately near tha_t07 29 144). Speak to him, and he will give you a list for the Observation Wings and will also ask you find his friend and give her a Panacea.


2. Visit the Strange Man's Friend at Thanatos Floor 2 (approximately at coordinates 82, 220) and give her a Panacea.


3. Return to the Strange Man on Floor 7, and give him the 50 White Angel Feathers, 30 Soft Feathers and the 5 Blue Feathers to receive your Observation wings. Bring him the items again at any time to craft more of these wings.


About the Wings

Observation Wings
Id #: 10084 Observation Wings Pretty wings made to look like those seen on the monster Observation.
Observation Wings
Def MDef Weight Refinable Level Type Usable Jobs
6 6 30 Yes 80 Lower Headgear and Armor All
  • For every refine rate of this gear, ignore 2% of all targets' DEF and MDEF.
  • [Allegiance Points >= 200]
  • Ignore an additional 10% DEF and MDEF of all targets.

Availability: From the Observation Wings Quest that starts in the Thanatos Tower.