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Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - Cassandra - 04-02-2012 10:55 AM

well i think overall it was ok. i used supernovice. i think alicel and raggeds shoulda been swapped. toh though, was never friendly for bolters.

as for items, the hypnotist glasses were kinda annoying to get >>

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - ChaosPrince - 04-02-2012 12:39 PM

Overall I think it was fine! Just that it lasted a little long Icon_razz 4h15 hours.

Monster were ok, I lost 5 points to the last Aliot, (Autogard with 14k hp left) I saw 5 sec left, run the f**k out lol.

Let's face it guys... Snipers are the (farming class), they kill fast, they have the range, and they can trap. Other classes can't really match them... It's like asking a full support priest, a full support Prof, high int and Vit Clown, or Devo built crusader to outdamage snipers is just impossible.

The GMs are doing their best to balance things out: remember, sniper have LOW weight limit (so if they carry SP pots, their weight will be one of the biggest disadvantage...). IF they are agi built... arrows will become a factor... Monsters with high def will be decent. (Tatacho's used defender, monsters that has Auto guard are also good against snipers).

Suggestion: There's 1 monster that will be troublesome would be the immovable+pneuma plant in Nydd. (those will be hard for snipers).

Or, classes that can deal spell damage... average sniper run 6k-9k hp... yesterday, the Necromancer ALMOST had me with the Thunderstorm... had 2k hp left.

So recap: Sniper's downfall: Weight (limited pots and arrows); Snipers who uses DS will require sp! High def monsters = use up arrows, etc.

Items was ok, 25 mins was reasonable, I only scored 27 points there.
Trivia was ok lol, 5 sec is kinda short to read + answer.
Mass Battle: Hunger games anyone? it's just Light are 2x or 3x more than us lol.

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - Draco - 04-02-2012 01:15 PM

I think my biggest complaint would have been 5 seconds is a bit short to read and answer an question since some of us can't read as fast as others. Another is PvP. Yea I understand there was only one GM there but if there was more than one to host it you could make PvP go so much faster by using two of those rings with a GM watching each. It would speed up the process amazingly.The other (which can't be helped by a GM) was that it seemed light was over powering dark 2-1 or 3-1. Iunno that is just ridiculous especially when you hear people say they would prefer playing on the light side so they can win instead of staying with the dark causing the dark side to become even lower populated in mass battle.

RE:??Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - azurerogue - 04-02-2012 01:38 PM

Draco Wrote:Iunno that is just ridiculous especially when you hear people say they would prefer playing on the light side so they can win instead of staying with the dark causing the dark side to become even lower populated in mass battle.

It's ridiculous that people would prefer playing on a side to win? Light wings are also still better than dark wings last time I checked (invisi-wings ftw).

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - Radolf - 04-02-2012 09:26 PM

Personally I chose light not for the invisible wings by itself, but just the fact that I like the way the light wings look over the dark ones. Even if dark had their own invisible wings, I'd probably stay with light.

Monster trial was incredibly easy. And as much as I disliked ghost monsters, it didn't surprise me there was one, and that goes doubly with item trial. Always thana mobs for some reason. I suggested this to Glyph during ToH but I'll put it here:

I'd suggest making more item trial monsters after other MvPs and giving them skills that go with whatever MvP it is along with their own drops and items that can be made from their drops, and during each ToH instead of having the same monsters, pick them from the entire list, and the craftable items as well. (Be careful not to choose craftable items that can't be made due to the monsters that were picked though). To add a bit of variety to things.

Trivia wasn't half bad, really wish Glyph didn't screw up that one question though (although I got the extra question right anyways). There needs to be more rogues/stalkers that use backstab. I think that asking what it was with a bow would've been even harder.

As for the mass PvP, I've noticed it's more the classes you have rather than the amount of people, also the specific people that are with you help as well. For example the first match we had a Hwiz kill several of our own team members, and it really helped our side out to have a bard as well. I know I did ToH on HP once just to give light side a HP, and wound up with a voucher anyways even though I wasn't expecting one.

Monster: 50 points (barely, exitted last 10 seconds on round 5)
Item: 45 points (Darn you thana mobs for being ghost)
Trivia: 20 points (I forget the one I missed)

Used around 500 AD total for anyone wondering. (Yes I played on creator)

EDIT: Thanks for the Vali's mant on the alicels Glyph. ;D

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - ChaosPrince - 04-02-2012 09:28 PM

I killed like 10+ of the Light Hero's lol...
It was still not ennough, they came in like ants!!!!

Suggestion: Since it's the Trial of Hero, we can balance out the mass battle.

Both sides send their 10 BEST Hero's to face the other 10's and see who wins... 1. it would be fair; 2. Hero's must be chosen among the active ones; 3. Hero's have the choice to rather accept/decline the vote; 4. The Hero's are selected by the people at ToH (Light choose for light; Dark choose for dark).

Troy style baby: Archiles vs Hector, pic your best Hero, go on a man fight.
Instead of outnumbering them...

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - mahawirasd - 04-03-2012 01:11 AM

at least WS and crea has to spend significantly more money than snipers....
stop being cheap and delete that satis... Mad
plus, the random quag still hurts (or at least annoys) WSs more than snipers and defender should also reduce acid damage, no?

yarr, just saying that although it's a one-trick pony, varying the lvl of defender the monster has as well as their DEF stat could allow for various permutations that will force snipers to trap and play more intelligently compared to just LOLOLOLDSDSDSLOLOLOL

i did suggest a more complicated permutation of your suggestion before. I made it somewhat more complex so that we do not unfairly disadvantage the side that has brought in more people (be it unfairly due to certain items the other side doesn't give e.g. cookies) as well as to give people a sense of achievement by working together albeit it being an uncoordinated melee. Hopefully it will give some of them a taste for blood too and thus perhaps invite them to try BG or woe or other pvp options the server has outside of TOH.


RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - ChaosPrince - 04-12-2012 11:22 AM

When is next ToH? :D

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - trinitrotoluen - 04-21-2012 01:37 AM

^same question.

RE: Trial of Heroes Feedback Thread - Former-GM-Glyph - 04-21-2012 06:26 AM

Schedule conflict, hoping to have a fixed date soon from the GM involved. Icon_smile