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Homunc questions! - Printable Version

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RE: Homunc questions! - wussypuff - 11-13-2007

on my last server they didn't mess with the creators and they were just fine.

i personally am going for a lif. vanilmirths are the most powerful, however their evolved attack consumes ALL of their intimacy and only does dmg based on the intimacy it uses, same with filir. remember that. it's not like every woe every creator can use those skills over and over. they'd get to use it once a week, if that, for moderate damage only.

homuncs aren't that powerful in PVP until the LATE levels. at level 74 my filir could barely hit most players, let alone do dmg worth anything. not to mention homuncs have crap pvp AI and have a 1/100 chance of doing anything useful on their own. homuncs are extremely hard to control and generally do not attack anythign in pvp unless the creator hits it (yes hits, not AD's) another player. the best they do is cause a general distraction.

sure we can heal, but at what cost? potions are heavy and not nearly as good as fish. on this server alchemists are basically useless and unneeded as nobody wants or needs potions brewed for them, they can simply go fish for whatever they need.

biocannibilize is nice, but again, hardly game breaking. the aspd and dmg of plants is extremely low, and you can only have 2 parasites. they're again simply a novelty.

if most classes are using high VIT towards the higher levels, they're simply using the wrong build for their class. the only high VIT characters usually are priests and swordies. also if everyone nerfs their vit AD creators are USELESS, as we do NO dmg to anyone without vit.

so what do we do...run up to them with our 151 aspd and hope to god we hit them with what little str we have?

RE: Homunc questions! - Aaronock - 11-13-2007

Acid Terror breaks armor at a decent rate, remember you aren't meant to be the biggest dmg dealer on the field, you are a support class too. In woe if you are fighter build you are still support cause you can throw the pot pitches and if you got a linker the berserk pot. You do know with fireblends and such you can create quite a nuisance with plants cause they also have a chance to proc off that firebolt 3? As fighter build you can carry more pots too. I feel really bad Gravity changed what you alchies use to be built like, you totally haveta 180 on creator for AD and I really always found it kinda stupid myself.

I mean I don't decide if homuncs go to woe and pvp on this server, Panda does, and most people don't feel the way I do about homuncs so don't worry and feel too hurt :]

RE: Homunc questions! - wussypuff - 11-13-2007

lots of folks have had the "BOO ZOMG GAME BREAKING" homunc attitude Icon_sad

i miss my friends D:

also i'd totally back the homuncs being affected by web (though i don't remember what that skill does) and traps. i see no reason homuncs shouldn't have to abide by the same rules characters do, considering the lore behind them is that they're a part of the creator's soul

i'd love to see my little lif trapped *L* poor little nekkid girl.

i wonder if there's a way to code that?

also creators did get a complete redoing in the last big gravity update...our brewing success rates when down and all sorts. very painful.

RE: Homunc questions! - Aaronock - 11-13-2007

Heh if they fixed the trapping and webbing issue I'm fine with them in pvp, it just annoys me I can't handle vanilmirth reviving every two secs and having to deal with an AD from a creator right after that, it's all so fast it makes my head spiiiiiiiiin! X_X

I didn't know they lowered success rate on bottle making.
Also I need someone to make me condensed pots, I don't like fish, they are very heavy and I can't carry a lot of them in woe and such.
So yah, brew away and sell to me I'd love to buy ^_^

RE: Homunc questions! - The Legendary Joe - 11-13-2007

wussypuff Wrote:i'd love to see my little lif trapped *L* poor little nekkid girl.
That line alone seems very sadistic to me, and I'm loving it

RE: Homunc questions! - Craix - 11-13-2007

The Legendary Joe Wrote:That line alone seems very sadistic to me, and I'm loving it
people really need to see our Guild chat sometimes...

RE: Homunc questions! - Aaronock - 11-13-2007

Sometimes people don't need to see any guild chats at all XD
Don't worry I laughed just I'm trying to stay on topic now >(

RE: Homunc questions! - Craix - 11-13-2007

Sorry bout that, but yeah, on the old server, all homuncs were was a distraction. Best use Ive ever seen for one was one of the magic ones on a tower bolting first class people as the walk through the first map of a castle. Unfortunately,that first class person was me, but still.

RE: Homunc questions! - Namine - 11-13-2007

Alchemist potions still have a use, and the condensed potion's weight is what matters to the class who do not usually have high str... Surely the casters will appreciate 3 weight white potion instead of 25. Potions also have no negative status too. At least... weight is always problematic for Namin? (even though she is strictly a PvM person), and really cannot spare any weight for fishes when traveling to dangerous dungeons like Thanatos... gemstones eat up so much weight already, Namin? can carry a maximum of 10 other trout only? =/

RE: Homunc questions! - The Legendary Joe - 11-13-2007

Personally, I prefer Royal Jelly to fish.