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Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - Printable Version

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RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - Force-Attuned Krogoth - 07-04-2009

I've seen Wink of Charm rock out in odin's. It's limited but not more so than magnus exorcismus. Try telling a priest that ME is useless.

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - The Legendary Joe - 07-05-2009

My dancer Regularly Uses Wink of Charm when solo-ing rachel sanc. It's Demi-human/Demon effectiveness really does rock there, and has saved my scarcely covered Bum on a great many times. The monster isn't confused, it just Stops attacking, and??walks off like you hid or something. I'd Wink of charm would be better put to use if it was autocast when hit, as??the next blow you give to the monster will snap it out of??it's Perverse fantasies and it'll go back to raping you.

The confusion effect??of WoC only works vrs Players.

hmm, Leaf cat, I can't agree with Heavens drive. I dunno, Something doesn't just seem very magical about a kitty that meows??ever??1/4rth of a second. Maybe lvl 1 Increase Dodge (Thief skill) or lvl 3 Dodge (Monk Skill). I remember how damn annoying Leaf cats were to hit back when I was still a noob

And for Myst case hat, I'd say enable use of lvl 2 Throw Zeny (Skill ID# 526) In exchange for removing the mammonite bonus, Just for something fun.

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - mahawirasd - 07-05-2009

i would agree more with the notion of when-hit, but i think there's a card there for that already...

the idea of throw zeny is nice, but perhaps better suited for another headgear...

leaf cats are annoyingly agile, but they do provide proper J-exp...
so improved dodge is not a bad idea at all i guess... Ok


RE:??Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - Fyrus Carmin - 07-05-2009

mahawirasd Wrote:i would agree more with the notion of when-hit, but i think there's a card there for that already...
[Image: 4400.gif]
Add a 5% chance of auto casting Wink of Charm on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
[Dancer, Gypsy]
Auto cast chance increases to 10%.

mahawirasd Wrote:the idea of throw zeny is nice, but perhaps better suited for another headgear...

I don't really see an headgear that we currently have to fit it, except if we change one to look like a coin (?).

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - JJJ - 07-05-2009

XD i'm sensing that if this does happen it'll need a whole new quest........

on another note i think it sounds pretty cool~

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - Fyrus Carmin - 07-05-2009

Maybe not an hard quest (though with HeRO ...) but someone like a Hat Upgrader instead of a slot, that sounds a little better to my ears.

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - Naruhodo - 07-08-2009

Wow you all took my idea and ran with it xD It sounds great...

Maybe in the future after all the other things they're currently working on the heRO staff will use our ideas Icon_biggrin

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - Aaronock - 07-08-2009

Hey GM's, could we slap this idea perhaps into testing section of forums for someone to take up?

Or are you guys thinking up some other evil plot for this that I don't know about yet D:

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - GM-Pandora - 07-08-2009

I've developed a list of hats to slot and what items it would require, still discussing with the other gm, once done yeah I guess it could go into t&d requests.

RE: Socket Enchantable Custom Hats! - mahawirasd - 07-08-2009

sounds great Panda! No1

can't wait to see it come out... Ok
