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Regressive Rollback Policy - Printable Version

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RE:????Regressive Rollback Policy - Trapper - 12-16-2009 10:36 AM

Merellis Wrote:
thecursed Wrote:
Merellis Wrote:On the other hand, the GM's could have just done nothing but increase the rates and say "Try again, the rates are there!" and avoid the entire headache of people missing cards rated less then 2mil and complaining about it. :D

Well hey! It would be fair to EVERYONE why not? You lost an MVP card? some guy whos played the server for a day lost a poring card. Its only fair that both of you dont get them back :D

GMs should definetly do nothing next time and just increase the rates so that??not just our top notch players get compensated, yay for eliminating "elitists"!

Edit: Realising after i posted this people will take me seriously, i was being highly sarcastic hope you can point it out...
I never knew sarcasm tasted so wordy. o: Mmmm, delicious!

And it would be fair, everyone lost stuff, some people lost entire characters that they have to create and level again, or get that last level to finally be able to 99, they get the rates up to level more and be able to get loot at an increased rate as well. o:

For people on upgrading, you get a chance for all the ones you broke to try again, maybe more then one levels up to where you wanted, maybe none. Either way it's a game we play because the GM's keep it running, and we don't have to pay monthly.

But, they already made the decision, all we can do is live with it.

Don't like it? Okay, decision was made and people have already sent in support tickets to be looked at and hopefully get stuff back.

Lost a couple things less then 2 mil? Well, the rates help get it back, or you can use the rates to get better things to trade for what you lost.

Didn't lose anything? Excellent, move along with your day now. :D

U r Right abt losing the entire character thingy.
My Friend has lost his account after the rollback.
I was lvling that time from a local cafe.
And didn't knew abt it.
After the 7Exp event ended i went to the cafe.
Where my friends comes rarely.
He said he just coudn't login his id.
He says he didn't even the change any id pwd and still.
I Hope he gets his id and pwd soon.
And is sitting next to me.
Waiting for Gm Reply's in support ticket.
By the way how many ppl are there who lost their entire character?Question Mark

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Snowhawk - 12-16-2009 10:42 AM

I wasn't on for more that an hour those three days that got rolled back. So I lost absolutely nothing. All I did that hour I was on was talk to a friend. I could have taken part in the increased rates, but seeing as I didn't loose anything I felt it was unfair for to benefit from the loss of others.

Really just a moral thing. Do I feel that they shouldn't have done this? Hell no. Yes I own Two things over 3 mil. Both Hydra Cards, and I got them months ago so there was no chance of me losing them.

I really don't see the need to whine about what happened. What is done is done. Live with it and be happy. Move forward.

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Merellis - 12-16-2009 11:05 AM

Trapper, he would have to just make the account again, if it was made in the time that was rolled back. He can try to login all he wants with that Username and Password, there is most likely no account there anymore.

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Aaronock - 12-16-2009 11:27 AM

I lost absolutely nothing in rollback, I wasn't able to play during the crisis. I did however lovingly take the items (other than that cake, damn that cake) that Pandalina offered on my account and my bf's account.

I feel that rollback is rollback, and that GM's over compensated. There was no need to do the item return policy they did. People of course will use it if they lost anything of worth, and anyone rich or new could easily fit this catergory. I'm actually proud that GM's keep backups at all on this server as many others claim to have it but when a situation like this pops up they really didn't backup enough or actually never had backups at all.

RE:??Regressive Rollback Policy - Sakurato - 12-16-2009 12:02 PM

G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:Those "elite players" at level 99 don't get benefits from the 7/7 leveling rates while new players do.??I think it is fair.??

Ahem..plz tell me anyone who has every char @99. All trans and extended.

If they don't then yes they benefit from it. I know I did and I have a lot of high lvl chars and a few low level. I know that Seraph ppl spent a lot of time in thors during those rates. There's a good chance there were other thor parties as well and a lot of necros to. All of which probably included people with *multiple* trans and maybe a 99 or two. Also those "elite" lvl 99 players most likely have a guild to level! Who's gonna turn down extra guild exp??? The rates effected everyone in a good way :3

I don't know if someone already replied or quoted this w/e I am way to lazy to read this whole thread Icon_sad. soooo many walls of txt D;

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Général_Argos - 12-16-2009 12:33 PM

It was just to reply to the op. "noobs" will benefit much more from the 7/7 leveling rates while "elites" will benefit much more from the 3m-item-recorvery-policy.

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Sakurato - 12-16-2009 12:38 PM

I disagree, I'd like to see a "noob" pull faster exp/hour than a vet or "elite player."

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Général_Argos - 12-16-2009 12:46 PM

When refereing to "elite", I refer to 99/70. A 99/70 champ will benefit much more from item loss during mvp hunting.

RE: Regressive Rollback Policy - Shikari - 12-16-2009 01:05 PM

In Ussops perfect world, there would have been no rollback :O

No backups would be made :O!

And we would all have had started over! rates however would have been 1k/1k/500 for 2 months to compensate everyone who was affected equaly!

Lol, joke. But that scenario would have sucked pretty hard, -except id trans my stalker in a week and not 2 years + get all kinds of pwn items i couldnt/havent gotten...-

Regardless, as a High Lvl'ed Elitist, I must disagree that we were all compensated greatly over the nubs (<3 to nubs)!, I farmed hundreads of mats for AD in those days that got reset, all of them drop at a regular 100% rate, so the increased rates dont affect me, the mobs give so little exp as it is that it didnt benefit me either, my token of ziegfried got wasted accidentally by a misclick (as have all others) and i have no idea where to use the no exp loss, not that i need it since i dont care about losing exp anymore!

My money was not compensated, my exp was not compesanted, my exp was not compensated, and at most my market was damaged (not that i have put any effort to fix it.... sorry <3 [you know who you are >:o])

Also, next time, become a gm, i want to see you give everything back to everyone in a 'fair' way within 2 weeks (2 weeks right?) of the incident,


RE:??Regressive Rollback Policy - Captain Usopp - 12-16-2009 02:32 PM

Shikari Wrote:In Ussops perfect world, there would have been no rollback :O

No backups would be made :O!

And we would all have had started over! rates however would have been 1k/1k/500 for 2 months to compensate everyone who was affected equaly!

Lol, joke. But that scenario would have sucked pretty hard, -except id trans my stalker in a week and not 2 years + get all kinds of pwn items i couldnt/havent gotten...-

Regardless, as a High Lvl'ed Elitist, I must disagree that we were all??compensated greatly over the nubs (<3 to nubs)!, I farmed hundreads of mats for AD in those days that got reset, all of them drop at a regular 100% rate, so the increased rates dont affect me, the mobs give so little exp as it is that it didnt benefit me either, my token of ziegfried got wasted accidentally by a misclick (as have all others) and i have no idea where to use the no exp loss, not that i need it since i dont care about losing exp anymore!

My money was not compensated, my exp was not compesanted, my exp was not compensated, and at most my market was damaged (not that i have put any effort to fix it.... sorry <3 [you know who you are >:o])

Also, next time, become a gm, i want to see you give everything back to everyone in a 'fair' way within 2 weeks (2 weeks right?) of the incident,


I guess in Shikari perfect world all 99/70 trans players would get a random mvp card for their trouble in the roll back and all non trans players will lose half their items just because. See I can use hyperbole too, but lets try at best to keep the rhetoric to a minimum at worse I would like you to stop lieing about my position when it has been clearly stated.

To those saying this regressive giveaway was some how evened out by the 7/7 rates you are completely misrepresenting the issue. I guess the 99ers would get no benefit at all from the item drop rate increase during that time at all. Give me a break, as stated above the fairest thing was the thing that affected all players equally ie the rate increases (items and xp) and the roll back. The interference propagated by the whiners and complainers and given into by the gms is the problem and have given now several different examples on why.

I guess I will sum it up for the lazy but its early so forgive me if I forget something.
1) Players over a certain threshold have a much greater chance to acquire items over 3 mil. While it is true that anyone can get an item of said value it is disingenuous to say the chances are equal.
2) Players over a certain threshold have a lot more access to equipment and resources to upgrade and are far more likely to have had a successful upgrade or failed said upgrade and got to try again. The problem is not that they get to try again everyone should have got that option but the fact if he didn't fail he would still get his item.
3) Rollback makes no discrimination it can be thought of as an act of god to use an insurance term and not a religious one.
4) 7/7/5 rate increase while unneccessary also affects everyone equally and was a generous gift similar to the one received for the birthday.
5) People do not give the GM's enough respect and I am sure the amount of whines they received is a testament to that. Each and every player should just be thankful to be able to play on such a wonderful server and not make the gms work extra on their selfishness (for lack of a better word but really what else would it be).

Summery: No one should get any item they think they lost in the roll back and if they wanted it should have used the time of the generous bonus to get it back. Acts of God happen and we should be grateful for our crack staff of GMs they were able to limit the rollback as much as they were able to.