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WoE Stuff - Printable Version

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RE:????WoE Stuff - Laenaya - 02-09-2014

Gojira Wrote:...
I sent a source modification (with the explanation of how to implement/use them as well) to Pandora a while ago, for consumables (and other items, such as acid/fire bottles, gemstones etc) usable in WoE and/or BG maps only (she named them "War <Item Name>" I think; I don't know which are available or not, nor which type of map she's chosen).

With the current SVN used by heRO, it'd take way too much time to integrate eAmod into it. I personally find it easier to just make custom scripts/source mods instead, and I'm always up to help. No1

As for the character-bound points, I agree. It could be better making them account-bound instead, meaning they would pretty much work like badges. Icon_twisted

RE: WoE Stuff - noah18cars - 02-09-2014

Wait you can't go on main and ask people to join Testing and Development? That's against the rules? Why?

RE: WoE Stuff - Laenaya - 02-09-2014

I'm not a GM, not in charge of the T&D team, I don't BG or WoE, I have already tested all of this by myself, and I have no permission to tell players not in T&D what's in there as stated here:
GM-Pandora Wrote:- Content on the test server is to be kept private and not shared with other players

Technically I could ask people on main to join the T&D Team, but then I can't tell them what is there to be tested. Also, keep in mind that I volunteered to fix the scripts, not to recruit testers.

Now let's focus on the original subject. Icon_biggrin

RE: WoE Stuff - ChaosPrince - 02-09-2014

first time I see AMJ write paragraphs in triple posts!

RE: WoE Stuff - noah18cars - 02-10-2014

As has been previously stated, G/DRs in WoE SE aren't nearly as important as in WoE FE where the main focus is just getting through a precast of damage. With that in mind, I think talking about implimenting WoE SE is kind of on topic.
I can understand new seasonal events or something being private, but something like updated BG and WoE? Why would you keep that a secret from the server when the main thing keeping it from the main server is lack of testing? Any answers for all of this, Pandora?

RE:??WoE Stuff - Laenaya - 02-10-2014

That's on topic and important, I meant asking me about that rule though.

On this topic Pandora mentioned it months ago (I'm aware that most people don't check the forums and some people have been away anyway), and once again recently. Your point is still valid however and I agree with you, what's important could be announced in game, on the forums or both.

RE: WoE Stuff - noah18cars - 02-10-2014

You really have to ask people in game, like 5 people still come on the forums. I'm 95% sure you could get enough people to test new BG and WoE SE within 5 minutes if you came on at the right time. I know I'd join.

RE: WoE Stuff - Ange - 02-10-2014

A major problem with testing these things, however, is that the test server is actually BEHIND the main server. All testing results in an enormous waste of time from those doing the testing. Problems arise on the test server that won't arise on the main server, and problems arise on the main server that won't on the test server. The main server is going to be the testing grounds in the end (remember when BG was first added?), so why not just add it already.

RE: WoE Stuff - Shinibu - 02-18-2014

1. MVP cards should stay disabled.

While I don't mind if some mvp cards come back (exception being gtb, hibram), I still believe that GR and deviling need to be removed from woe. There has been way too many ghostring exploits on this server for this card to even be allowed. A newer player is at a mass disadvantage and when they see an entire server of GR's, it pushes the population away.

2. Remove Ghostring Scrolls.

Sorry, these items are stupid. Shouldn't be here in general. If they stay, make them pvm only so people can use it to tank earthquakes for mvping.

3. Change Woe Time Slot of Wednesday to Saturday and Disregard FE for SE woe.


4. Lower BG Points for non-glorious gears.

For the love of god, the regular bg points are WAY too high. I'm sorry but a normal BG system has glorious gears around 2k while normal bg gears are 50 shoes/garment, 80 armor, 100 weapon. Why in the worth the weapons and armors are around/at the same price as the glorious gears is beyond me. Let people get some basic gears to become relevant in BG alot faster. It drives me absolutely insane watching assassin's leech in bg because they need there 500 points for a glorious katar. Should make points account bound vs character bound. Let people play the classes they enjoy.

RE: WoE Stuff - thecursed - 02-21-2014

I would probably come back to play if I could make both WoE time slots, I cant make Wednesday's like I use to be able to when I was younger because I'm a big kid now and I work Wednesday nights.