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Question to Non-WoE Players - Printable Version

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RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - Merellis - 10-10-2010 11:04 AM


Heh, could even just make another castle open once a week for that time to test the waters.

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - ABlueJelly - 10-10-2010 12:05 PM

lol, Kalain will always shows up as online!

I believe I missed stating that I don't believe I will enjoy it enough (What will a non-high-vit clown be doing during woe? Bragiflash AV AV bragiflash AV AV... Unless I got a soul link, then bragiflash AV AV AV AV AV bragiflash AV AV AV AV AV... And will that change much, if ever? Nope v_v PvM, when shit hits the fan, I actually enjoy the (usually solo) scramble to survive a near-wipe. WoE, It'd pretty much never be just me left, which means- yep, you guessed it- "BRAGI PLZ!") to make the extra effort placed into gearing (hunting cards of easy monsters, while easy, is time consuming and very very not entertaining; plus that thara-shield isn't good for anything but PvP. A hodremlin, on the other hand...) and supplying (beyond the supplying I normally do (geez, I have >300 blue herbs)) to be worth while.
Hell, the reason I started hydra hunting in the first place was to obsolete my Oriental Lute for Kiel's and my random PvP runs (which I enjoy mostly because nobody's telling me what to do).

It's not that I'm really lazy, it's that I find grinding extremely boring, and the potential gain is very disproportional to the (at least) perceived benefit.
Oh, and before someone says to get more classes closer to able-to-pvp, I always seem to enjoy myself more on the clown than on anything else I've tried.

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - Aaronock - 10-10-2010 12:08 PM

Jobs a FS Vit Clown can do in WoE:

1. Frost Joker Spam: Really good vs GR users you may catch them while they are armor swapping.

2. Bragi: Obvious

3. Sinx Song: Forgotten a lot, but this is just as good to flash on some characters.

4. Attention Concentrate: This finds hiding players

5. Tarot Spam: Better than spamming AV -.-

And there are tons of Demi-Human monsters in this game, how can you say thara valk is useless? :s

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - azurerogue - 10-10-2010 01:52 PM

ABlueJelly, your post sounds more like intentional ignorance rather than reasons to not WoE. As Aaron pointed out, your post contains multiples problems:

1. AV is not worthwhile in WoE, Tarot owns on the other hand.
2. Thara shield is incredibly valuable. There are over 150 demi human monsters in RO.
3. Clowns don't necessarily need a "dedicated" PvP weapon to play in PvP. Get a link, spam FJ/Tarot and follow up with AV - doesn't need to be god mode equips to pull that off.


RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - Namine - 10-10-2010 02:09 PM

I'll derail the current topic to answer the questions on first post.

If I pvp, I only play for macro-pvp and have zero interest in micro at all. How "skilled" a player is in switching equips fast enough through clicking buttons (and sometimes you can't do much about it due to genuine lag, especially when it really matters which country you're from. God forbid Australia to have a competitive internet speed to play well) doesn't matter as I have no interest in actually carrying things out, which is what microing is all about.

The only thing I'm interested in is macro which involves the setup, the pre-planning and strategy to it. However for WoE in RO regardless of editions, it's completely figured out and there's no room for new plans anymore after so many years. New equips don't change anything as none of them have an interesting enough effect to be strategy changing or completely influences how a class is played (usually they completely shadow over an existing equip and therefore is a thought-less replacement anyway.)

With all that said, there's nothing in WoE for me at all, thus why I'll avoid this absolute waste of time as much as I can for people who prefer the micro pvp battles and can enjoy it.

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - ABlueJelly - 10-10-2010 11:58 PM

Lol, didn't I mention earlier I'm a Support/Combat hybrid? Unless you wanna pay for 2 respecs (one to a FS and one back to my build), that's not changing (both because I like my build, and because I don't have the finances to whimsically reset a lv97 trans character)

Heh, yeah, that was a mistype... shouldda been just something about hods being more versatile than tharas...

Also, blasphemy, Namine, actually responding to the original topic! Oh, and I agree, if there was more *new* strategy to it, maybe I'd be a lot more interested in it. Or just more macro and less micro... probably the same reason why I don't like multiplayer RTS play (as 99.9% of the time, it's a battle of whose micro is better)...

RE:??Question to Non-WoE Players - mahawirasd - 10-11-2010 12:13 AM

Merellis Wrote:@mahawirasd:

Heh, could even just make another castle open once a week for that time to test the waters.

+1. Though i kinda thought ppl would complain more about 3 WOE times rather than the same 2 but with an earlier timing... but hey it's all worth a shot IF you really feel the need to tap into a new player niche Ok


PS: i have little experience with pvp/woe clown-ing, but i'm quite sure status MS might help more than AV due to spamability...

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - azurerogue - 10-11-2010 12:56 AM

I actually disagree. For one thing, even IF all possible WoE tactics had been figured out completely (I'd argue they have not due to the social tendency to accept that the current way is most effective until it is proven false), they haven't all been run through on heRO - thus making each WoE environment unique and adaptive - allowing for the very macro strategies you desire to be tested and implemented in each unique environment.

Example, when I joined heRO, no guilds used Lokis even if they had the numbers online for it. There was no tarot spam in the precast. The GT SinX line was not considered important (and often did not exist). Many things have changed on heRO and many things will change. There is more than one effective way to defend and, thus, more than one effective way to attack. But heRO prefers to stick to the status quo in general.

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - thecursed - 10-11-2010 01:14 AM

My first WoE i remember successfully defending a castle for 2 hours when they had the 2 hour WoE time in place, without a precast or trapper...This was in the early days of LoA vs LW.

Things certainly have changed a lot...Now having a loki's is almost essential to the point where key players or even leaders may have to play the Loki's Viel team because its so essential to the defence. Atleast thats what happens when the guild can put into perspective what the guild wants and what the guild needs. Does it need an extra SinX EDP GTing precast or a Clown to complete the Lokis Viel.

RE: Question to Non-WoE Players - Namine - 10-11-2010 02:29 AM

but the fallacy for my personal reason why I should go to woe lies in the fact that I have equally low desire to see it be done by myself XD I'm perfectly fine if say I thought of a mvp strat, then an "enemy guild" got a hold of the strategy, carried it out, and then proved that it works. I'm just as fine with that as doing it myself XD

As with the strat, see you named it all already and it's figured out. Rather it's actually being done or not, it's not as big of an issue~ So if it's figured out, then done and end of game. If it's not run, well kind of too bad then... or at least game will be done and I'll sit around in lutie using heRO as glorified MSN until someone does use it, and then see if there's a need for a complete and totally new strategy to counter the thought-of strategy.

Sometimes the change in strategy is sign of changing population. Back then you really opt out part of a strat not because people are ignorant, but play style of that time with small ambushes, loki is really not as helpful cause loki benefits more as you spend 2 bodies to pull it off, and it pays off only if it affects a giant group. In old days of say 5 people is an attack force already, loki may not have the best pay-off in terms of costing 2 bodies to do it. It's like how iRO swung to having low def and all racial defense, and now people just felt the need to swing back to high def even if it means low def now. Just a matter of trend but that doesn't always signify totally new strat is needed or made.

As for moving onward or not for heRO... sometimes we just lack the wide distribution fo equipment to carry forth with the plan because either pvm is equally idling (and i did contribute there by participating in mvp parties already) or we don't have the equip cause we're just that behind in content.