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Another Test Server Day + January Patch - GM-Pandora - 01-09-2007

This comming saturday, the 13th of January, I'd like to make another high rate test server day with the latest svn. I'll also try to have the january patch ready by then (preparing both might be a little time-consuming, I hope I make it in time!)

I'll post more details when I have them, please spread the word in game for those who don't read the forums! ^_^

Edit: I'm gonna try to make it, but I'm not even done with the january patch yet, and have not started on the svn yet T_T

On the brighter side I got some cool stuff comming in the January patch :D new gears and other neat stuff! ^_^

January Patch + Test Server - GM-Pandora - 01-13-2007

I'm attempting to start the test server with someone's help, so far it's not working, I appologize for the delay Icon_cry

Edit1: The test server is almost up, some minor stuff to take care off and it'll be there guys!

Edit2: The person who was helping me went to bed a while ago (it was really really late there), I have not succeeded to get the test server running by myself, sorry everyone T_T

I got the login + char server working (which is why people could get to the char screen), but that's it, after that I'm getting errors that I do not know how to fix x_x

I'm giving up for today, sorry, I'll revert things back to the normal server for now. We'll have to test some other time ._.

At least we got the January patch, you can download it:

It's a new year! - GM-Pandora - 01-16-2007

As you might have noticed, there's lots of new stuff in the January Patch! If you haven't done so already, go download it and apply it!

2 new hairstyles for female and 1 new hairstyle for male, along with 7 new hair colors (including the much-asked black one).

New gears as well, 3 pairs of wings and several heagears. I'll be updating the custom gear post soon with images, stats and availability.

I've also made some slight changes to the color of the interface to give it a "heRO" feel.

Dual clienting has been disabled and is also forbidden (I've asked the GMs to run thorough checks to ensure this new rule is respected, so don't be surprised if they pop up next to you and ask you stuff.)

Let's hope this will be a great year for heRO! ^_^

TOH today + possible little downtime - GM-Pandora - 01-20-2007

Today a technician is comming over to install my new (and faster!) internet connection. It is possible that I'll have to turn off the server abruptly, if so I appologize for the inconvenience. (done)

It's also TOH today, so I'll have to reboot the server to add the new stuff. (done)

The TOH (Trials of Heroes) is at 1 PM server time, and the new wings are available in it, see you there!! ^_^

P.S.: I'll be removing the Xmas quest after ToH so hurry if you have not done it already!

Better & Faster + CP = Yay! - GM-Pandora - 01-20-2007

Update: The technician came and the internet/server are back. Welcome to the new faster and more stable heRO!!

In addition, the CP(Control Panel) is back!!
You can find it at:

You can do all sorts of stuff with it, from password change, to transfer of zeny.

The ladder still need tweaking, just give us a little time, the tk family class are not recognised and GMs show up in the ladders. Should you experience any problem with the CP, please report to me.

Thank J@h_Man who worked on getting the cp back, as well as GM-Windslip, Koko, Peekaboo and myself ^_^

Christmas is behind us, but lots of fun ahead! - GM-Pandora - 01-22-2007

The Xmas quest was removed yesterday. As well as the holiday monsters that populated most major towns (christmas orcs and goblins, santa poring and cookies). However I left a few of our custom santa poring in Lutie ^_^

I'm planning some fun stuff for the comming holidays (Valentine's day, Easter, etc.), I'm also preparing a special hair stylist that will require a quest to change your hairstyle into custom ones and I'll probably be adding the Aerial wings quest soon.

Happy V-Day + Enjoy the February patch! - GM-Pandora - 02-14-2007

On behalf of the heRO staff, I'd like to wish everyone a happy Valentine's day! Don't forget the V-Day event is tonight, around 7 PM (server time EST), there is still a little time if you want to register, see post:


I released the February patch late last night, you can download it at:


Soon I'll be adding the new hairstyling quest that will allow people access to the new hairstyles. I'm also working on the Blessed/Cursed helm quest, but it's not ready yet, expect it to be hard!

Aerial Wings! - GM-Pandora - 02-18-2007

The long-awaited NPC for the aerial wings (wind property) has been added tonight, no hints, enjoy!

Hairstyling! - GM-Pandora - 02-23-2007

The server now has 5 custom female hairstyles and 3 male ones. The quest to get a "coupon" for a haircut is also implemented.

See the guide for more details:

Tomorrow is the ToH, see you then! ^_^

March bundle ^_^ - GM-Pandora - 03-13-2007

Well here's a bunch of news and information about the recent changes.

The March patch is out:

With it comes:
~ 6 new hairstyles are available (4 female, 2 male)
~ 2 new headgears I'll be introducing soon and that will drop from monsters
~ 2 new loading screens
~ all female hairstyles work with 15 colors (8 RO colors + 7 custom ones)
~ the male hairstyle "gentilhomme" now works with 8 colors instead of 2.

I also made a few changes that I hope are for the best!

~ In order to help the newcommers on the server, the healer is now free until level 20! Do not bother asking me to extend that to higher level or to lower the price, just be happy about what we give you Icon_wink

~ The previous "Quiz" NPC present at the entrance of the server has been modified to be a little easier, he will now list you the server rules instead of quizzing about them, just agree to them if you want to enter, he will also ask you to confirm that you understand basic English.

~ Since we have 3 castles for woe, there was 1 dongeon unavailable, to cope for that I added a choice menu to the guild dongeon switch. Now if your guild owns a castle you have access to all 4 guild dongeons!

~ There was a bug with the OCA (Old Card Albums) that only dropped old cards, apparently a lot of people knew about it but no one seems to have thought of reporting it! I can't stress that enough, if you find a bug, please report it, it will help make the server better. If we cannot fix it, at least we'll be aware of it.

And about what's comming in a near future:

~ We're working on a patcher, to avoid people having to download + extract the patch themselves, this would be more convenient.

~ We are working on the new svn, I know the new classes and maps are long-awaited and I'm grateful for your patience.

~ The quest for the hero helms (Blessed and Cursed) is near completion.

~ I'm working on ways to make the ToH faster, the next one is March 24th at Noon!

Farewell heroes ^_^