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New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Printable Version

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New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - GM-Pandora - 12-18-2007

I'm working side by side on 2 different quests at the moment, both interesting I think, and you guys will get to decide which one gets added first! I thought about doing what someone suggested in another thread and make players donate zeny in game a sort of friendly battle to create a little anticipation, but in the end having to script+test a npc to choose which npc gets added first was a little too troublesome, so just a poll will do ^_^;

Both those quest are mentioned in the Server Progress Thread (http://pandoraonline.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=3089) and also have been hinted at in-game a few times, but not much is known about them so I'll add a few details.

Quote:~ Baby Wings for HARDCORE novices, can only be made in the training grounds!!!Icon_biggrin
Only novices and super novices (+ their baby version) get to wear those wings. The quest probably involves much frustration, mainly spending hours in the training ground with a knife and cotton shirt XD should be attempted only by the truly insane players! Wings are however very cute~

Quote:~ Thanatos Tower Quest A new quest that will take place entirely in the Tower of the mighty Thanatos.Icon_twisted
A rather easy quest I think, if it wasn't for the fact that it is scattered all over a very evil tower! The tower cannot be soloed, thus the quest can't either, this should encourage people to play together ^_^ Multiple climbing of the tower involved. Rumor has it the quest's rewards are VERY sweet, including Exp, items, Allegiance Points and and even an egg?

The poll is public and lasts 7 days.

Important note: this in no way affects other quests or update of the server, so please don't spam this thread saying "You should work on this or that instead". This is independant from the rest of the stuff and should strickly be about "Baby wings" VS "Thanatos Tower".

You may ask questions/speculations about both quest, doesn't mean they will get answered however. Icon_wink

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Teot - 12-18-2007

Thanatos Tower is horribly impossible. Unless it`s different from my old server, yer pretty much doomed if you pass the 4th floor

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - zanias - 12-18-2007

Not that Thanatos would be a bad place to put the quest. It's just that with the novice it would be available to everyone. In Thanatos, it's available only to the higher ups.

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - GM-Pandora - 12-18-2007

Both quest are restrictive in terms of classes, one requiring trans only, the other novice only. Of course novice is easier to make Icon_lol

Thanatos Tower is challenging, but not impossible. Novice wings will be challenging too, but a different kind.

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Kadar - 12-18-2007

Novice wings work for... novices. Thana works for everyone once they level up sufficiently (unless you're an extended class in which case you don't get either). So while novices are the preferred class of the common man; thana tower is available to more people.

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Namine - 12-18-2007

Extended classes probably gets the benefit of Thanatos Tower too... unless the product of the quest is restricted to trans-only. Namin? would imagine herself to do the quest in a party as High Priestess, then transfer the product of the quest to her Soul Linker if necessary~\

Thanatos Tower sounds like more of a fun quest hunting for few rare yet difficult item that actually requires working, thinking and teamwork, then grind the gut out of a novice clicking on poring for days and nights ._.;

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Kadar - 12-18-2007

Extended classes can only go so far in Thana tower (same for non-trans). That's what I mean by them not getting either. There is the possibility that extended classes could be allowed to do the quest but then that would put the quest on the lower floors. That's not as fun D;

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Namine - 12-18-2007

But on the other hand, novice wing is certainly restricted to novice, and even the end product is still restricted to novice... =)

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - Aaronock - 12-18-2007

I voted for Thana Tower...I mean granted I don't care if I spend hours in Novice Training Grounds to be very honest making wings, but I am getting higher level on prof for the very reason that I want to be able to go up Thana and farm stuff in it with my guild, or be able to go to Odin's or Bios also. A quest for Thana and an egg for it at the end...sounds a lot more rewarding.

Also there aren't any real quests for Trans that are custom right now on this server, it would be a lot of fun for all of us that have been here longer to have something new and challenging like this I think for our trans characters :]

RE: New Quest? Baby Wings or Thanatos Tower? - zanias - 12-18-2007

So are you arguing that it should be Thanatos souly on the fact that once you lvl up sufficiently then you could use them?

Once you lvl a novice up sufficiently then you could make one beast of a super novice. I've killed 90's with a lvl 70 SN. Either this shows that they were some noobs.. or I made a beast outa my SN. Wing's would be nice for novice's