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Custom quest infos - Printable Version

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Custom quest infos - Nakashi - 07-24-2008

I would suggest to add more informations and clues about everything that is custom in game like the allegiance quests, baby wings and such.

For new incomers, it's very hard to do the difference about an allegiance quest and normal ones. Also, people in main aren't always ready to help and even mocking sometime. Playing late in night let people clueless about a bunch of things and npc aren't giving any clue or real info at all so you rather know about what you have to do or you'll miss it.

I tried to do the baby wings quests but after on hour searching I gave up.My friends tried and figure out it was a npc that first of all are talking about a very different thing and not available before you have choosen a path already. Now, he is stuck there since a week no one in main wanna help him and he don't have any clue on about how much trunk he gotta have or what he have to do next to continue. Also, I had to discover about allegiance by asking people on main and like I said, it's rare to find help because you have both to find people that know about the thing you are looking for and ready to help. About cutoms things it's rather not a lot people know or not lot wanna help...

I don't want all the answer given away I just would suggest to put more clues about it and make the npc clearer. I would wish to make the game playable by npc help and not only players one.

Thank you
someone who play when everybody else is sleeping, ^_~

RE: Custom quest infos - GM-Ayu - 07-24-2008

Did you see this thread?

We don't permit players to post out "guides" for custom quests, although they are allowed to post guides about it in their guild forums, or tell their friends through private chats in-game (not allowed on @main either, *except* to ask if a card is considered a "hatter card")

RE: Custom quest infos - Kadar - 07-24-2008

I think it would be a good idea to have a hint-npc for the novice wing quest.??It seems to throw a lot of the new players off when they first join.??It's still a quest not a lot of people know and @main isn't nearly as helpful as they used to be.??How about a lost and confused novice huddled in the corner who will accept apples for hints about various aspects of the quest.

I would recommend that you read this thread and look around on the forums in the server information section and the chronicles of the heroes section if you ever need help with a custom system in the future.

RE: Custom quest infos - GM-Ayu - 07-24-2008

*twiddles thumbs* I told Pandora that the item list part for novice wing is too random but she said that she likes it the way it is now ._.

RE: Custom quest infos - GM-Pandora - 07-24-2008

I can understand it's not easy when starting on this server and not having enough information. I'm working on something that might make it easier in the future.

Until then, I count on all heroes to provide help on main when someone new is asking questions. At any time of the day or night we have active people, even if there's less during night time, it should still be possible for people to get answers.

RE: Custom quest infos - Nakashi - 07-27-2008


Thank's for your help. Yes I have seen every post and always have a forum window of hero open when I'm playing. My fun is to do quests.
I've seen all the post on the forum.
I'm usually a lot on the forum even much more then in game even if I don't post that much. I love all the customising job you put in this game.

Locations is what we mostly need to know since we don't know all place by heart yet. I don't wish to be given away the exact coordinate but only the city,area or maps is fine enough. I'm glad to see most location are say now. For the dolly quest,by exemple, I got it done thanks to some kind peolpe on main during day time. It was an easy quest but trying to find the location by myself I had nowhere to start too. No clue to know where to check. It could be everywhere. I tried to find out by myself but gave up.

I understand Pandora point of view on helping and I'm agreeing strongly. I also wish everyone would be open to help each others. Unfortunatly, you can't force people to do so. Your game have a great atmosphere comparing to other online game but still you can't be everywhere at everytime checking on them to be helpful and nice. That' s why I think it's better if we can be able to do the quest by ourself if no one is ready to help. Don't get that go over you Pandora though, it's normal and isn't your fault isn't something you can really do something about. It's not in general people nature to be helpful. Plus, in every online game, once some people get strong some get to think they are better then others...Usually, more high lv you get in a game and more you can notice this attitude of ? you're a noob and I'm a god ?. Some are just too busy keeping on competition with others to care about a newbie.

Sur, there still some kind and helpful people like JJJ. He seem to be always ready to help. Me and six of my friends are now playings here and he help four of us without knowing we knew each other.I just want you to know about him because he's the one that help us a few times when no one else did or want to.

I don't want to criticism your job or any one job in here. I have to much respect for all it implement. I know what it demand because I already did similar things and it's a real job without having any payement for. I just want to suggest some stuff to help improving new people gameplay.

there what happen to my friends in details:

He where trying to understand wich mixing was the good one for the novice wings. I tried to help him and after some struggling we decide to ask help on main each on our side. I got no answer and he got mocking and sarcasm. We still tried two days after and still the same. He finally got JJJ to help him and could get the wings as a 36 level novice in the training ground. He was really patient and then he change job...lol he find it a lot of hard working for wings that doesn't last past novice. Five night in training ground to the lv 36. He ask help almost every night having no answer to mocking until I saw JJJ online and then told him to ask him because I know JJJ already help my friends and I.

I won't ever make the Gm or anyone else responsable for the people on main. I just told you about my story so you can see the problem by yourself and figure out why I do suggest a way to help people to make the quest by themself.

Thank you for working on something about it.
Thank's again for your help and understanding.

RE: Custom quest infos - Avalon_Fates - 07-27-2008

If you need help look for my char Angel Fates, I'm always willing to help as long as your willing to help others when you find people in need.

RE: Custom quest infos - Nakashi - 07-27-2008

Thank you Avalon_Fates ^_~
I'm sur are someone that love to give a hand but only time will proove it. ^_~

RE: Custom quest infos - Aaronock - 07-27-2008

Sorry Miss Nakashi for the difficulties you had with the Novice Wings. I'm sorry your friend did also.

I usually catch when people need help in game, but sometimes I don't notice it when I play stalker because messages scroll by so fast and I'm killing things, or I'm on prof and rarely talk anyway when training him so I turn main off when doing training.

HOWEVER, feel free to always contact me also in game if you need help, I'll do the best I can to assist you. Anyway, sorry about the inconveniences again and I do hope you have fun playing with us and exploring the world of heRO.

RE: Custom quest infos - Nakashi - 08-17-2008

Thx Aaronock ^_~

Sorry for the late reply.