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RE:??Noblity Powerup?
Fruityla Wrote:[It's] failing to complete with older gears in cases. Not just newer. You wouldn't buy red glasses for a whitesmith. In the same way, only some characters can use the gem well. It's just how the item is built.
Fruityla Wrote:Dumping hundreds of millions and losing my bonus and being forced to dump MORE is nothing like the shield thing at all. At least I don't run the risk of losing my Alice Buckler to someone else. I admit the example was a hyperbole, but the issue remains that bars are continually raised over time, regardless of what was good in the past. Note: You refer to ranked nobility as your reference point, but that's only concerning 10 people on the server. Not every player wants to spend the cash to hit that extra point, so they may have just donated the buillions for one set status.
Fruityla Wrote:And uh, where do you see people trying to rank these days at all? That's holding ground to you? Hell, I don't think there's that many bothering to get nobility at all. That sounds like the zeny sink just failed epically to me. The fact there's a crapload of inactive people on there, who have been for ages, says that people don't bother with it anymore. Actually, I've noticed the nobility announcement (regular nobility) pop up approx once a week lately. I don't really see that there isn't any interest in it. However, ranked nobility is truly meant just for those who have the money to throw around. It's like having ranked alchemists and blacksmiths - you have to have money / resources to be able to maintain your ranking.
Fruityla Wrote:It's because it's not worth it and we know it. And again, Why bother with Nobility, which is intended to be a zeny sink, at all when I can get the same or better in non-sinking ways without the risks nobility has. This is why I'm saying it needs an update, to make it worth our while again. It obviously is worth something to someone, otherwise there wouldn't have been any new nobles lately.??It's still worth your while if you're looking for the one stat. However, I feel that asking for two stats just for regular nobility is poor.
Fruityla Wrote:I say either change the gems or the system. Honestly? prefer the latter. I guess I should have suggested that instead of to change the gems then huh? But I was trying to hold off on that for my own reasons and instead try to work with the current system. I'd rather balance the new gears to our server (since it hasn't been set yet, and there's many things we can do to make it balance out). I don't see a point in changing the current system since no matter how you see it, the zeny sink is still working.
Fruityla Wrote:For ranking specifically, there was also trying to justify hundreds of millions being spent on it. The DEF and MDEF was supposed to achieve that, but whether or not it succeeds...I dunno. Actually, just being on the list gives the two stats, so I actually believe that alone is enough justification to do so. The motivation to push higher on the list though, I don't really understand other than for the "lol i have money" part.
Fruityla Wrote:And you totally went through my thought process for the examples with the three stats and allowing stacking XD I should probably have been a bit more clear with that example, since it was meant to be sarcastic. Having a custom gem that's as good as / better than an MVP card (stacking 2 dex on gem vs vesper card) is just stupid. Also, two stats on ranking is already really good. If you don't like it, just don't go for ranker.
If we just modify the stats and effects on gears we get from V4P correctly, there would be no reason to change the nobility quest.
Heii - 99/70 Sniper
Limits - 99/50 Knight
Asira - 9x/6x High Priest
Ruins - 99/70 Whitesmith
Meteor - 99/70 Champion
Toy. - 99/6x Assassin Cross
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2010, 04:19 AM by Corporal.)
06-09-2010, 04:18 AM |
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RE:??Noblity Powerup?
Mort Wrote:I'd say it must look discouraging for them to see the top ten who probably are too far ahead with minimal chance to catch up to them,
It's a fairly linear climb until you reach Tripp's rank, at which point it spikes until you hit Guil, Silk 1 above that, then another spike to me. Not sure where Ryuzaki is at this time, though. Too lazy to log on to check.
Was it worth the zeny cost? Probably not.
Anything looks better than Binoculars though.
For anyone who hasn't quite gotten it, it really is as Corp says; high ranked nobility is 'cause I got the money, and I've already gotten my (moreorless) end game gear. The bonus stats, relative to every other piece of gear I have, are mediocre at absolute at best. Is it handy? Of course it's handy, but you can survive without it.
Marivel, Sidewinder - 99 Lady Sniper
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Gojira Wrote:Your keyboards aren't lightsabers bros...
06-09-2010, 07:21 AM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: Noblity Powerup?
SO, as a zeny sink, are the benefits outweighing the cons from losing that zeny???Usually zeny sinks are suppose to provide excellent benefits from dumping zeny into it, is Nobility accomplishing those things???I don't think so at this time.??Sure, I'm going to go and rank again in the near future but its only cause I know I'm like 5 gold bullions off, if I was like 100 I'd not bother.
If they won't buff nobility gem then they NEED to buff the benefits of having the damn thing.??I'm sorry 2 palettes, 1 noble hairstyle for GIRLS (yah boys don't even get one) and a birthday party aren't enough.
Two years ago it was more worth it because we had tons of noble events, the pvp stuff, and events even where nobles would lead.??We had one recently but unless we have more then we'll still continue to have the board remain the way it is now.
Observation wings dropping gold was even more retarded, but I don't wanna drag that problem into this topic.
Edit: Tired but I'll throw these things out there:
I mentioned benefits, what kind of benefits can nobles have?
1. Open custom I-Tower that heRO has once a week. Will stack with the official I-Tower. Can keep the npc in Geffen. You can make it a small fee to enter, but should not cost as much as official I-Tower.
2. Ability to make a special headgear or two beyond nobility gem: would probably start near the castle in Prontera?
3. Make a special room or something that you gain access to. Maybe add here an exp quest or two that have people requiring your special help? Add to it also a save girl and boy and somehow let us save in the room. This certainly will make me feel noble to have certain people asking requests of my fancy noble ass.
Anyway that's just a few I thought of. :]
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2010, 08:24 AM by Aaronock.)
06-09-2010, 08:18 AM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE:??Noblity Powerup?
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
06-09-2010, 08:24 AM |
King of Aesthetic
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RE:??Noblity Powerup?
Aaronock Wrote:SO, as a zeny sink, are the benefits outweighing the cons from losing that zeny???Usually zeny sinks are suppose to provide excellent benefits from dumping zeny into it, is Nobility accomplishing those things???I don't think so at this time.??Sure, I'm going to go and rank again in the near future but its only cause I know I'm like 5 gold bullions off, if I was like 100 I'd not bother.
If they won't buff nobility gem then they NEED to buff the benefits of having the damn thing.??I'm sorry 2 palettes, 1 noble hairstyle for GIRLS (yah boys don't even get one) and a birthday party aren't enough.
Two years ago it was more worth it because we had tons of noble events, the pvp stuff, and events even where nobles would lead.??We had one recently but unless we have more then we'll still continue to have the board remain the way it is now.
Observation wings dropping gold was even more retarded, but I don't wanna drag that problem into this topic.
Edit: Tired but I'll throw these things out there:
I mentioned benefits, what kind of benefits can nobles have?
1. Open custom I-Tower that heRO has once a week.??Will stack with the official I-Tower.??Can keep the npc in Geffen.??You can make it a small fee to enter, but should not cost as much as official I-Tower.
2. Ability to make a special headgear or two beyond nobility gem: would probably start near the castle in Prontera???
3. Make a special room or something that you gain access to.??Maybe add here an exp quest or two that have people requiring your special help???Add to it also a save girl and boy and somehow let us save in the room.??This certainly will make me feel noble to have certain people asking requests of my fancy noble ass.
Anyway that's just a few I thought of. :]
I like your idea's and I totally like your idea about the special room.. But it would be more fun if you could actually invite people into YOUR special room... when they can taste your epicness of noble.. That room would be accesable by walking aswell but you can't enter if you're not in his/her guild or party. And people using the special room will get a discount on the npc's and the money they spend there will go to the noble one. ( 80% or so ) This means people will actually fight for noble again and spend more gold on noble.
Also you could send Requests for your guildies/party members to hunt certain items and they get a reward for it, upon completing.
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2010, 08:51 AM by Matsu.)
06-09-2010, 08:49 AM |
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RE: Noblity Powerup?
Did everyone (except corp) miss the part where I said I would change the bonus of the Vote For Points hat and that they would be balanced for heRO and not their official server bonus? XD Well, now you know.
As for nobility power up, I was already considering doing one in a few months, it's in my planning for 2010 and I think I might even have briefly told you about it Linnea (?) when you gave me the gem you made. Anyhow, thanks for the ideas everyone, multiple changes are already planned, some of which are similar to what is being suggested in this thread!
Also I know it's not much, but a male noble hair is coming, along with a new palette, that'll be available before the nobility update I spoke of above since that's a Styla update.
Note1: I'm trying to do more noble events these days..
Note2: the HP/SP bonus from the nobility gem were changed from % based to direct amounts a few weeks (months?) ago.
@WolfRaven I'm sorry if it's disappointing to newcomers, but nobility wasn't meant as a newcomer feature, it's an end game achievement, something to look forward too, although you're right perhaps I shouldn't advertise it too much, but it's a feature of the server I'm proud of ^_^;
06-09-2010, 08:13 PM |
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RE:??Noblity Powerup?
GM-Pandora Wrote:@WolfRaven I'm sorry if it's disappointing to newcomers, but nobility wasn't meant as a newcomer feature, it's an end game achievement, something to look forward too, although you're right perhaps I shouldn't advertise it too much, but it's a feature of the server I'm proud of ^_^;
I understand that you're proud of it, but I'd suggest not using it as a hook-bait in your advertisement.
This coming from someone who came to this server from word of mouth, instead of advertisement, but I do care about advertisement.
With the understanding that it's not made for newcomers, you could add a part for everyone, where you get something for close to nothing, but it's not entirely great. Sort of like the buddy beanie, but a bit worse? :3
I'm going too far, aren't I?
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06-10-2010, 09:40 PM |