it's not.
But imho someone who actually spent more than 5 minutes looking for a proper server would look at the specs, the customs, etc would make a better addition to the server than someone who just looks at top sites, download the top servers, spammed enter through the guardian and thought "hey they don't even have an anti-bot system in place"...
meh, at least when you look for a server through RMS, you can see all the important details in one screen and you could easily access more...
and with the "read a review" button presented so sumptuously there, i would think anyone who was half interested in the server would at least read a few reviews to get a better picture of what the server's about...
yeah yeah i know, maybe i have been giving too much credit for RMS...
but still a little more exposure to server information still gives the possibility of it being read rather than nothing at all...