I merged the Report section to this section (Guide / User helping). I'm also going to close the ticket support page, because it's not working properly at the moment (if you send a ticket, it does not give you a ticket number! so you have no way of seeing the GMs answer).
So everything having to do with either of these should be here:
- Asking a guide
- Posting a guide
- Asking for help
- Offering help
- Reporting a non-exploitable bug
For anything too sensitive to be written directly on the forum please PM
GM-Auron, he will answer you if he can or forward it to another GM if needed.
- Reporting an exploitable bugs
- Reporting a bot
- Reporting a cheat
- Reporting a Kill Steal or Loot Steal
- Anything else you would have sent a support ticket for.
You can also PM me, but please be patient as I got a lot to do.