Wow.....RazorEdge. Ironically, as soon as you said that, your first idea worked!!
She installed Sak (didnt patch) and then installed the heRO full(didnt run the patcher as suggested) and then added the november patch.
IT WORKED. Sweet jesus yes it worked x.x
Thank you very much. I just hope no bad things happen due to the lack of an kRO installation and no Sak updates. At least we know this works, so we can test new things later. For now we just want to play.
Thanks again. Any more suggestions that are less...risky, would be appreciated.
GM-Pandora Wrote:In your RO folder, start setup.exe and check the sound settings. In game type ctrl + o to open the sound options and make sure both are checked.
Hope this helps
It did! I did just as you said, and it worked perfectly. Thank you very much, Pandora~