Rurouni Kalain
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RE:??What Guild is right for me?
Galt Wrote:You might want to double check that, Saii has left the server now.
Waaah? Now that I did not know. Heh, I was typing out the add-on to my post when you said that, hm. Well I'll make the changes and post a bit more.
It's a bit much I know, but I feel that the people who respond to me deserve a nice answer, pardon me if I don't get to ALL of you though, I have a habit of wanting to be perfect like that on forums, and when it gets difficult I I'm going to be trying to be less perfect and not AS long-winded, ha ha..guess I'll start that now--(note to self) remember, shorter answers at times, ha ha. Doesn't all need to be a bunch typed out.
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
06-10-2010, 12:09 AM |
Lord Jugger
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RE: What Guild is right for me?
Okay, so having been in Mognet for all of one month, but of course I know these people like the back of my foot ~ and yes I can see past my tummy...ahem...
I feel I am in a great position to recommend anyone interested in a light feeling guild that caters to your eccentric needs to join Mognet!
Like wow! Woe Battling? *Scoff* What Woe Battling? Well kidding aside, the amount of effort I see here of people actually helping other people ENJOY the game is enormous, and while certainly GVG is not infeasible, our efforts are elsewhere now. One thing I would love to see more of in general is more folks in the playing time of around Midnight server time, give or take a few hours, as aside from pre-scheduled be here or be square parties / events, I don't see many people when I log on.
As I've said elsewhere, I still feel like its a common occurrence that despite guilds with 60+ people, rarely is there more than 10+ on at a time (save for pre-scheduled events ^)??
Well I wish to change that feeling. So please come by and think of Mognet! Lets make FFVII-ville a reality~
Cait Sith would like your help training a Chocobo! Nya-Kupo~
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
![[Image: geonosisbanner.jpg]](
Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2010, 12:33 AM by Motenai_Ronin.)
06-10-2010, 12:30 AM |
Head Beast!
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RE: What Guild is right for me?
Despite calling me a relic...*glares at Nero* (we'll talk later...) NeRo did a pretty good job of summing up Behemoth. I'll just clear up a few things for you.
A lot of people have this view of Behemoth that its OMG WOE OR DIE NOTHING ELSE MILITARY AMARA'S MEAN. Sure, we are heavily into WoE, but its definitely not the only thing we do.
We party, we take down higher end MvPs, we go to strange places (especially a lot of our newer members). We do Thana climbs to kill the MvP, we beat nameless to death, we run around Niddhogger for fun, and all sorts of other things. The things is, if you step up and say 'Lets go here!' there's always people on and willing to join up with you and have fun. We generally have 7 or more people on, approaching 15+ even during non woe times a lot. We've had a lot of newer recruits, so exploratory, fun parties are a lot more common now than they used to be.
Concerning WoE: Yes, we have a mandatory one WoE per week rule. That said, I understand real reasons for not attending. I'm a pretty understanding person. And if you have no reason and simply don't want to WoE, we have a farming system in place so you can farm some WoE materials and still support our WoE effort without actually WoEing. These farming items will send you all over the world, so you won't get bored with that. Please don't let our involvement in WoE make you decide against us. I'd love for you to at least give us a chance, and join for a few weeks to see if the guild is for you or not.
History: I inherited the guild from a guy (Sekaru-an original player of the server's first year if I remember right) about 3 years ago. I've been the leader the whole time with no absences, keeping the guild going steady and strong the whole time and assigning officers to aid in leading. Since the beginning we've been been WoE active and have worked as a group to build up to be as good as we can be. In doing so, we made lasting friendships and had a lot of fun with these friends. Even though we are focused on WoE heavily, this guild is about more than that
If you have questions, or want to get to know us better, please stop by payon. We'd love to have you guild just to see if its what you're looking for.
Alts and Stuff: Amara, Lenala, Jenarra, Korana, Nanna, Navara, Valara, Terrana, Arana, Liara
06-10-2010, 12:55 AM |
Rurouni Kalain
Loves Tacos
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RE: ??What Guild is right for me?
Kittie Wrote:Hi :3 i'm a member of Aesthetic ever since the guild started.
Anyway, i hope you will find a nice guild you will feel home at and that will be able to satisfy your needs :3 I wish you alot of luck  Starting to shorten things up, heh.
Well, I'm glad to hear it's starting back up, though still seems like it's a MIGHT bit to sporadic right now and in a bit-o a state of flux. Still, it seems like a nice place that I might want to join for a 2ndary Guild on another character, though I don't know how much that really goes down here on heRO or how it's done so that there aren't anger issues, ha ha.
 Thanks so much for your support.
Matrim Cauthon Jr Wrote:Our members can & do MVP, sometimes WoE, sometimes get to Base 45 on nothing but Pickys (Looking at you Picky Slayer ). In short we don't really fit into a classification. You can try us out if you so desire. Now THAT right there is the sort of stuff I'm looking for. It's easy to go to server that is higher rate or whatever and then do the bigger places...on heRO, it takes longer, but it's muchly (I know it's not a real word, shut it. xD) that's where people normally go....those tough places, the newest ones, etc. WHICH I can respect and I'm sure I'll love. ~~~~ But you can find that stuff easily enough. I want to be able to do that AND to do the stuff that people don't normally do.
While lvl 45 just on Pickys is a BIT much, it's a good example non-the less. Sometimes WoE, monster V player and MvPs....and you are up for a good Adventure.
Matrim Cauthon Jr Wrote:Our normal in-game activities: Random parties in New World, Rachel, Nameless 1st, Abyss Lake (If I'm in the mood to make one), and most any other map. I literally go everywhere as do most of my guild. I would have negative stuff to say there...but...after a small but quick Nameless party I had yesterday, how can I? There is NO denying how sweet that (and surely other) places are with a good party that knows what they are doing..or a party that kinda knows and figures it out. The EXP was amazing, and that those are your normal places, I can't blame you there. It's that I know you are quite open to going to other places that really has my interest.
Matrim Cauthon Jr Wrote:We do DB/BB parties regularly. We can be found in Morroc quite alot. Sweet, yeah I did one with you just a day or two ago, good times. Not sure if it was with you or another that I brought the 2 BB's I had or bought DB's, but I can't do that much, heh. I can't afford it..though, if the drops are good, maybe it would be worth it.
Morroc...gloomy place and it has that mood-ruining hole in the middle. ... Lol, no point to that really, just the laughs.
Matrim Cauthon Jr Wrote:Fires Of Heaven has survived quite a bit of drama. Some I must admit I've stirred up myself. That you are able and willing to admit that is both worrisome and honorable at the same time. That you have experience with it I hope would mean that you would try to eliminate it as best you can. Both in the group and in yourself...oooommm...*zen-like* Heh.
Matrim Cauthon Jr Wrote:Now the general capsules on us as players. In guild we are all very honest and can be very adult. I.E. orgies have been mentioned, swinging couples, jailbait etc. We tend to be very blunt and tell you exactly what we think.
(Talked to you in game tonight, glad to know you would be happy to have me and there is room.)
Ooooh baby baby orgies in RO, just how I lilke it! Ha ha. Really though I get what you mean and I can take it, just try not to be too mean ne? xD
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
06-10-2010, 12:57 AM |
The Great Saiyaman!!
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RE:??What Guild is right for me?
Rurouni Kalain Wrote:Ascension - Another Guild that is very active. However it's leader (Trowa) does seem like a nice guy, I'm not sure that the Guild is able to get parties together that are what I'm going for..and they are VERY WoE focused it seems.
To be honest we havnt been party heavy lately as the guilds figure heads or leaders you could say have been very preaccupied with their lives. Ex who was responsible for getting most of the parties going before has retired shortly to handle real life issues and i'm in the final month of my semester before i graduate so ive had abunch of school work to do + graduation stuff + proms and all that fun stuff...i should post a picture or two. The parties we have been getting lately consist of mostly Thors. I glanced over the innitial post and seen that you dont care for the high end dungeons best for exp. Ascension usually only does dungeons like Thors, Thanatos, Nameless and other high end dungeons. If we party at other places it is for leveling characters that are below level 89, or we are hunting gears together.
The guild itself contains a large variety of players whether they joined heRO last month to the people who have been with heRO since it was released as a server, Ascension has all kinds.
As for WoE we appreciate it if you put an effort to WoE, if you refuse to do WoE we do expect you to help in establishing parties and attending them frequently along with other scheduled events via forums. For some people WoE is an inconveniance but we are a WoE based guild in the sense that we urge it from our players but do not demand it.
As for the personality of our guild we have lots of nice players and most have a close bond with eachother having played together for numerous years. However if you cannot take a joke, get easily offended while not being able to take a joke, and rage @ the internet easily, this is not the guild for you. Mind you with that being said we are not a guild of trolls, we simply like to joke around with eachother and have a good time.
As for secondary things that Ascension has, it uses forums to communicate outside the game and to multiple players at once rather than having everyone on at the same time, as well as we use Ventrillo voice chat to keep in touch easier in events like WoE, guild partying or just when we want to chat with eachother.
Trowa - Retired Noob
Quoted for truth:
azurerogue Wrote:Players leaving the server (recently) has nothing to do with quests. We leave because we're bored. HeRo is an excellent server, and I'm not relocating to a new one - I'm just bored with RO in general and I have way too much going on personally to commit time here.
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2010, 03:10 PM by thecursed.)
06-10-2010, 03:03 PM |
Rurouni Kalain
Loves Tacos
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RE: ??What Guild is right for me?
thecursed Wrote:I glanced over the innitial post and seen that you dont care for the high end dungeons best for exp.
Heh, please try not to glance for things like this as that could not be further from the truth. ^_^;; I think that places like that are PERFECT for EXP...heck, they seem to be/likely are amazing..but that's not what I know I'll be wanting all the time.
It comes down to this. High-end/lvl places are great, but when I want to go to other less traveled places I don't want it to be difficult to do so.
Of course, I don't expect that everyone will do whatever I say, of course not. xD
I'll update later and comment on a bit more you said later today.
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
06-10-2010, 05:36 PM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: What Guild is right for me?
I talked with Lin and Zero in CB, and for now I've come to the conclusion I'm not really denying people if they ask to be in the guild, but I won't guarantee you much more than some crazy, funny conversations. I'm not going to go out of my way to recruit people, if people want to join they can simply ask. If they don't break rules on heRO or piss my guildies or me off too much they can stay. We'll hold parties probably whenever we have people on whether that be friends of ours we find online or if the 7 or so of us in guild happen to want to do something. The guild generally has people online night time server hours. If I'm not on that night, usually at least Lin or Zero will pop on, and occasionally Iblis or Tim ninjas online and we never notice they were there (they are more quiet dudes).
Anyway that's our status as of now, I don't know when or if it'll change, but this is the state the guild will be in for now. We're smaller than most other guilds of our type, and probably always have been and will be, but we're pretty relaxed with each other. Lin, Zero, and I have known each other for over 2 years, and the other few I have known for a few months to a little over a year.
Good luck finding a guild home, if you feel its with Coffee Break for whatever reasons feel free to just ask for invite to the guild sometime.
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
06-10-2010, 05:45 PM |
Rurouni Kalain
Loves Tacos
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RE:??What Guild is right for me?
Aaronock Wrote:I talked with Lin and Zero in CB, and for now I've come to the conclusion I'm not really denying people if they ask to be in the guild, but I won't guarantee you much more than some crazy, funny conversations.??I'm not going to go out of my way to recruit people, if people want to join they can simply ask.??If they don't break rules on heRO or piss my guildies or me off too much they can stay.??We'll hold parties probably whenever we have people on whether that be friends of ours we find online or if the 7 or so of us in guild happen to want to do something.??The guild generally has people online night time server hours.??If I'm not on that night, usually at least Lin or Zero will pop on, and occasionally Iblis or Tim ninjas online and we never notice they were there (they are more quiet dudes).
Anyway that's our status as of now, I don't know when or if it'll change, but this is the state the guild will be in for now.??We're smaller than most other guilds of our type, and probably always have been and will be, but we're pretty relaxed with each other.??Lin, Zero, and I have known each other for over 2 years, and the other few I have known for a few months to a little over a year.??
Good luck finding a guild home, if you feel its with Coffee Break for whatever reasons feel free to just ask for invite to the guild sometime.?? I don't even feel like I need to type much here that was so well said.
Fair enough Aaronock and thank you.
I do what I can.
"*gasp* You have HOW many of that item?"
I'm freaking Kalain baby. Accept no substitutes.
Kalain - Lord Knight 99/69
Bomoke - Blacksmith - 8x/4x
bool freeTime = false;
(To everyone. I haven't been on much, and I didn't really give much of a goodbye because I've been in contact with some people. Do message me on Yahoo or MSN if you like. I'll come back..just not ready yet.)
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2010, 01:18 PM by Rurouni Kalain.)
06-11-2010, 01:18 PM |