i've read everything here. the problem wasnt explained 'properly'
Gurtrude's main point isnt about adding ANYTHING to improve GS.
the main problem that he has brought up ISNT about how GS is inferior than a trans class.
i just tested this with him in pvp and witnessed the problem.
when he cast a skill (either desperado or full buster) we SEE the dmg output/numbers but the dmg does Not
register on the enemy after a solid second.
unlike a CT/DS where u lose hp the moment u see the dmg
*thoughts* (just some thoughts)
-this doesnt have to do with aspd cuz its not a problem of 'spammability'
-this isnt animation delay cuz its not the animation thats delaying, but instead the time it takes for the dmg to register on the enemy
dmg not registering when its supposed = bug...
prove me wrong, i'd appreciate it