All bans mentionned are permanent both levels and items.
Rock Lee is ip banned, and if you got more to say hurry up because you will be banned from forum soon too, we all have had enough of you. Kura and SoulStealer will also be ip banned for what they did.
Those who make a real appologies will be allowed to start fresh (that means create a new account and level new characters), so far the ones that are allowed to do that are:
However, even tough we allow you to start fresh, we don't truely forget the errors of the past, if you break a rule again you will most likely face a full ban including ip.
I think Tenshi said it best:
Tenshi Wrote:Lessons were handed out and it'll be alright if you learned from it
Regarding those who claim some people in the list are innocent. It may be, but we have no way to find out and like we said, you are responsible for your ip/login. I do believe some of those people could be innocent, but if I started listening to one and not the others based only on their word-for-it it would be unfair. Levels were gained illegaly, accounts are banned, that's pretty much the end of it.
If you had given/lended stuff to the cheaters, that's also very sad and unfortunate, but that too would be too tricky to separate the thruth from the lies.
Regarding the events I spoke off, GMs have agreed on this and I will make a separate post about them later on.
The promised screenshot:
Not that he deserves to see, but I said I would post them, so I'm true to my word.
SoulStealer is the first one that I caugh, after that I added the variable that led to our proof for most of the others.
As Aegis has said, when a GM is hiding, you wont see their name with @who.
On a last note, I don't think many of you realise how much effort we put into the server and how much this hurts us. We spent a lot of time building the server, we watch over our players af if they are our kids, the server is our little project together as friends and we care for it very much. We love most of you, and we would want you to be perfect, but of course no one is perfect, and I mean the same for us, we're far from perfect, but please know that we try our best. Constant critisizing is hurtful (tough inevitable, it comes with the GM job), some people think we're too lenient, some that we are too harsh, we try to be fair and act in the best interrest of the server.
Please respect our decisions.